0.0 Prologue

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- Third Person POV - 

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- Third Person POV - 

14 years ago

Thalia Anagnos-Loukanis was born on the same day that everything seemed to go wrong.

Not only was everyone rushing to see the new-born, but there was supposed to be an armed attack on the families. In particular, Thalia.

Assassins were stationed around the hospital that she was born in, waiting for her to be brought out, but no one was expecting that the two families would be arriving before they were even considering leaving the hospital.

Many people assumed that the two families hated one another, as they were never seen together for long. They both worked in the mafia line of work, so it just rose everyone's suspicions. Whenever there was a attack on one family, everyone assumed it was the other, when in reality, they were at peace, not war.

But peace didn't last for too long on the day that Thalia was born.

A divorce paper was filed for both families, as the Loukanis' siblings' father had had an affair with the Anagnos' mother.

It was unfair and wrong, but it happened, and that brought their little sister. But it also brought along hatred and acts that never should have occurred in the first place.

"What's her name?" a voice asked, making Sophia Anagnos look to her eldest son, Apollo. She was surprised that she was here, as he was already 16 and making his own way in life.

"Thalia" she murmured, looking down at the baby that was in her arms. "Can I hold her?" a unfamiliar voice questioned, and she turned to look at the eldest Loukanis boy. She had never really had much to do with them, other than today.

"Of course," Sophia was more than glad that the baby was getting taken out of her hands, as she was awfully exhausted, and wasn't feeling her best. Aphrodite took the small baby in his arms, cradling her.

Thalia latched her small thumb around Aphrodite's hand that was brushing down her face, giggling when he gave her a small smile. Every was awestruck that the big old bad Aphrodite was holding a baby that was giggling.

"She's not my sister" Ares voiced, causing all of them took look at the youngest Anagnos. "She is just as much of your sister as she is mine" Helios counteracted, feeling the need to defend the baby.

No one realized that that was the first and last person to ever protect little Thalia. She would be shunned out as soon as the parents weren't anywhere in sight.

"Aww, look at you, protecting the little baby" Achilles cooed in a mocking tone. "Just everyone, get out" Ajax caught all of their attention, as he looked down at his soon-to be wife who was sweating profusely.

She knew she wasn't in good condition, after all, she had had 8 children before Thalia. "I'm fine" she murmured, but her heart rate continued to slow down. Nothing could bring her back.

"You're not" and with that, the children all filed out of the room, Thalia being placed in the bed beside her mother's.

Ajax pressed on the button to call the nurse, but he was too late. In a matter of minutes, Sophia had flatlined, and there was nothing they could do to get their mother back.

"She's gone" the nurse murmured, looking down at the ground to avoid the menacing glare that never made it to Ajax's face. Not only had he lost his first wife, but he had also lost his second all for a child that was never planned.

He never murmured a word as he picked up the baby and walked out. He met the children, seeing their hopeful gazes, before walking towards the elevator. Towards his own death.

"What happened to Sophia, father?" Ophelia questioned her father, clutching lightly onto the side of his arm. Sophia had never been a mother to her, but she felt deeply sorry for the woman that was going to be her mother one day.

"She passed" he murmured, stepping into the elevator as the doors opened. His children walked in with him, but the Anagnos children had to take the stairs as there was not enough room. "She was fine" Orion murmured, casting his gaze down.

No one bothered to look at the baby in their father's arms, mourning the quick death of the mother. For some reason, it felt wrong that they had a baby that wasn't really theirs, as the mother had just died. It felt like they were kidnapping the baby.

But no one was prepared for the gun that was aimed at their father's head as soon as the elevator doors were opened. "Give me the baby" the man threatened, pointing the gun at Ajax's forehead.

This was the time they should have just given Thalia up, because it would have solved everyone's problems. But Ajax held onto the baby, tighter if that was even possible.

"Never" and that would forever be Ajax's last words, as the trigger was pulled, blood covering Thalia and Ajax. Before he could collapse, Apollo grabbed Thalia and ran, dodging the other assassins as he ran towards his father's awaiting vehicle.

He didn't dare look back, just trying to get himself and Thalia to safety, as that would be the least, he could do for his mother who had died only a few minuets before.

As soon as Apollo had reached the vehicle, he noticed the blood that was covering the steering wheel and part of the windshield. His father was dead.

So, not only did his mother die first, his -almost- stepfather had died as he got out of the elevator, and he now was witnessing his dead father's body who was supposed to save them.

"We're orphans" Alexandra, the first-born daughter of the Anagnos' s, mumbled under her breath. Apollo couldn't even bring himself to admit or even agree with his sisters' words. Their parents were dead and there was nothing he could do about it.

"We're fucking orphans" Orion voiced once again, sitting down on the curb. "Might as well just sit here and wait for someone to take pity on the heirs to the fucking mafia"

"Orion, that's just fucking stupid" Achilles lightly kicked Orion's back, as if signaling for him to stand up. "There's no point in just sitting here when we could find help from our relatives"

"Well, we have fucking sister who was just born. What are we supposed to fucking do with her!?" Orion practically screamed.

He never coped well when things changed so suddenly, and today was going to be his breaking point. It was everyone's breaking point. They hadn't expected all of this to happen in the time frame of 10 minutes.

"I think it would be best if we stuck together, seeing they are after all of us" Apollo admitted. He was the only one who had stayed level-headed, or so it seemed. He was the one that was going to have to look after the baby.

The baby that would be neglected. 


hopefully this all makes sense

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hopefully this all makes sense. I'm not a huge fan of this chapter so I hope it's alright. 

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