20. Cracked Comfort

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| Florence Colombo |

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| Florence Colombo |

I had awoken from my slumber, feeling a fraction better than what I had been. Before I had fallen asleep, I was groggy and unsure of everything, like something had happened to me between getting out of the car and walking into the garage. 

Leon had put something on, and left me in the living room, by myself. He said that he would organize some dinner, but he hadn't come back for a while, and I knew that from the time on my shattered phone. That's right, my phone had been shattered all because I had left it in my old house, and one of the boys had found it for me, somehow. 

The boys had promised to repair it for me, but I just had an attachment to it right now, that I just needed to have it within arm lengths of me, for a little bit of comfort. But as of right now, with my stomach churning, I didn't care about my cracked phone or the movie that was playing on the TV screen that I had never seen before. 

All I cared about was wherever the hell Enzo had gone. With the way that I was feeling right now, he was the only person that I wanted right now, and maybe if he was here with me, that I would maybe even feel a bit better, and quench the feeling of everything coming back out of my mouth. I just wanted him here with me. 

Right as I was about to reach for my phone to try and get in contact with him, Leo walked into the living room, with a plate in hand. "Hey sweetheart" he murmured, as he sat down next to me, worrying me slightly. The look on his face showed that he too, was feeling worried about something. 

"Hey" I murmured back, my voice hoarse from not using it much and not having a lot of water to drink lately. "Where's Enzo?" I whispered my question as Leo placed the plate on his lap, as he started to cut my food up for me. He hesitated for a moment, before he continued his movements as he said nothing for a few moments. 

"He's out with Fran at the moment" he kept the answer chipped and short, which made my worry increase. He handed me the fork that had a piece of pasta on it, but didn't take it from him. I didn't feel like eating. "Flo, you need to eat, sweetheart" the way he added the word sweetheart on the end, he knew that the way he had spoken beforehand had cut deep. 

I just turned my gaze away from him, pulling my knees to my chest. I had lost all of the feeling of actually wanting to eat something, and rather wanting to get whatever was in my system, out. I stood up, feeling the room spin around me, causing Leo to grab onto my arm, as he quickly placed the plate down on the coffee table in front of us, before standing up himself. 

"Flo, you need to sit down and eat something" he pulled my body into him, as he was about to push me down to sit on the couch, but I took a step away from him, feeling sweat running down my back and down my forehead. I felt so hot and bothered. 

"Nuh uh" I muttered, right as I rushed out of the carpeted living room and down the hallway to the nearest bathroom, barely making it into the bathroom as I let everything go. My knees gave way and I was suddenly on my knees, feeling everything that had been in my system, now down the front of the hoodie that I was wearing as tears sprung to the backs of my eyes. 

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