25. Fine Line

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- Third Person Point of View - 

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- Third Person Point of View - 

About 12 years ago 

Lorenzo Colombo, one of the smallest boys of his year, was cuddled up with his older brother, Nicolo Colombo, whom was talking with some of the boys in his own year, as Lorenzo was staring at the door to the daycare. He had been waiting for the time to come when he could go home and sit on his eldest brother lap and tell him to read a story, just so he wouldn't have to tell his brother how much he hated it here.

Lorenzo knew that he hadn't been there long enough to be able to go home. He had used up all his excuses, just causing his father to yell at him even more. But something caught his attention. A little girl, clutching onto the hand of a little boy, as he pulled her into the room. It was loud in the room, but Lorenzo was more concerned about the two of them.

Neither seemed to have a parent or brother like he did, as they just walked in, or the boy did, as the girl tried to pull back and just continued to shake her head. They looked like siblings, or at least to Lorenzo they did. The way that the smaller girl looked as if she was his younger sister from the way she clutched onto him. 

The little girl, Florence Colombo, or better known at the time, was Thalia Agnos-Loukanis, whom was clutching onto Phoenix Angelo. Phoenix's mother had dropped the two off at daycare, where they had met, as Thalia had been dropped off one random day by her eldest brother, whom would later forget about everything to do with her. 

Lorenzo, who was a very shy child that was constantly stuck to the side of his older brother, unraveled himself from his older brother, who looked down at him, before watching his younger brothers every move. Nicolo watched on, as Lorenzo walked up to the two smaller children. 

"Hi, I'm Enzo. Short for Lorenzo. What's yours names?" the little boy stuttered, as the small girl stopped pulling, rather hiding behind the slightly older boy. The same boy that Lorenzo had watched play alone, never before seeing the little girl, hence the assumption of being siblings. 

What Lorenzo didn't know, was that Thalia was his little sister, not Phoenix's. Phoenix had met the small girl, that had been dropped off at the front door, only to be ripped into the classroom, before she ran and hid in the corner for most of the day, until Phoenix had gone up to her, as he too, had no friends of his own. 

"I'm Phoenix, but I get called P or Nix. This is Thalia, or Lia, but no one calls her Lia cause she gets angry when people do. She's my new friend" Phoenix beamed when he got the chance to talk about the little girl that held onto his arm and made sure that he was with her whenever they were doing something. 

Phoenix had made sure to shelter the little girl as much as could. He had tried calling her Lia, to shorten her name, but at first, she had nearly cried. "I prefer T, or Tia" the small girl murmured to Lorenzo, which Phoenix had eventually figured out. She had never given him a nickname, so he had made one up, only to get a bad reaction out of it all. 

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