Chapter 24: A Visit

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You had tried several times to time travel since the last time you had time travelled, but it seemed like the time god wanted you to have to deal with the consequences of your actions. You had tried touching the stone anytime you were alone in the bathroom stall of your workplace or when Tooru was busy working out or asleep for two whole weeks before you finally gave up and forced yourself to live in the reality you had created for yourself.

Tooru had tried to be understanding, knowing you needed your own time to process things and tried to explain anytime little discrepancy happened within the apartment. Patiently, they had shared for four years or when your mother would call, talking about some vacation you had never taken before.

You hadn't really asked that much about what had actually changed within the relationship when you had tried so hard to get back in the past. To get even a moment of peace where you would know exactly what would come next and where everything wasn't just a little off. In the end, you just choose to rewatch your favourite show, Brooklyn-99, as a way to escape from reality. Tooru hadn't made any comments and only snuggled up to you whenever he saw you sitting in one place where you would watch the show for hours on end.

On yet another rewatch, you felt a large flop on the couch. Tooru whined and used both of his hands to hold her left arm.

"(y/n) this isn't fair......" he whined loudly.

You sighed loudly, closing your eyes, making sure to calm your emotions.

"I know Tooru. I just don't know how to process all of this."

He tried to look into your avoidant eyes.

"I've tried to be patient, but I just can't help but feel like maybe you don't want to ... well, any of this."

He removed his hands from your arm and gestured to everything around him.

Your eyes widened, and you brought your hands flat on his chest.

You tried looking into his eyes, but your cheeks shook almost immediately. You lowered your head, refusing to look at him straight in the eyes.

"I like this...I like you...."

"Oh, you do now?"

You nodded vigorously.

"Well, I would hope so since I don't exactly want a marriage of convenience."
You giggled and looked him in the face.

"Oh, much better."

He stroked the side of your jawline.

"That's my girl."

He looked at you for another moment before talking again.

"Do you want to talk to me about it finally? I can give you every single answer like 'Would you still love me if I were a lowly maiden and if I was the most charming prince?'"

"I think did we go on a honeymoon?"

He paused for a second before answering.

"We kind of went on a honeymoon."

"What do you mean, kind of? You cheapstape? I bet you tried making us spend our honeymoon in a love hotel."

"What? No, of course not."

He blushed bashfully.

"Well, kind of."

You glared at him and put out his hands.

"Let me explain. Like I said, in two weeks, we didn't have that much money since we had to pay for my car and then the plane tickets and dress and suit, and it was also the first year of my job, so it wasn't like I had a lot of sponsorships yet so...after we spent about three days back in our hometown after our elopement."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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