Chapter 13: Forgotten

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You have started to reach your 3-month mark in your relationship with Tooru. You had gotten a couple of memories here and there, but your brain didn't want to tell you anything. Everything was going well. It just didn't feel right for some reason. There was also a sort of pressure you felt like your brain was telling you, no, begging you to remember. Your brain was fighting itself.

Was this part of your guilty conscience?

You had googled what had happened. The first thing that came up on the internet was about God, which was annoying. You refused to believe there was any God suddenly caring about your life. You had read Percy Jackson before, and it was better to be oblivious as far as you were concerned.


"Hey (y/n) say ahh."

Tooru held out his spoon, trying to feed you your lasagna.

"Tooru. I can't keep getting spoiled like this."

"How about just one bit? The food is getting cold after all."

You just rolled your eyes at Tooru's obvious spoiling. Begrudgingly, you ate the food.

"Hey (y/n). Do you remember coming here about 8-9 months ago?"

"No. I'm sorry, Tooru. I don't remember."

Tooru smiled, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"That's okay. You like me, and that is what matters."

You blushed. Suddenly, Tooru's hand was far too hot for you.

"In a month. You might actually be in love with me."

"Let's not try to set such a strict time frame on it, okay?"

"Fine, but you will fall for me."

"Is that a demand, the Grand King of the court?"


You both burst out laughing. Tooru's right hand entwined your hand. He brought your hand to his cheek, looking at you with such tenderness that you couldn't help but blush.

"I know you don't remember much (y/n), but being with you here or even hearing your voice brings me more comfort than you could ever imagine."

Your eyebrows furrowed.

Those words sound similar. Those words are Like an old song lyric from my childhood.

"You...You've said this before. Tooru, when did you say this?"

"Oh well. It's something I've always felt. I don't exactly remember if I ever actually said it."

"I thought you would remember every moment you ever spent with me."

You leaned over to Tooru, your forehead almost touching his. He tilted his head onto his hand, smirking at you, and you narrowed your eyes.

"Tell me, you fox."


"Yes, fox. I feel like I'm about to get eaten anytime you have a scheme."

"Well, you'd certainly be eat-"

"OH MY GOD. Tooru stop this."

A pout formed on his lips.


Tooru happily waited for you to come to bed. Tooru sat down a little jittery on the bed.

"Come on (y/n). Come to me already."

You just rolled your eyes as you brushed your teeth. It was best not to engage, as far as you were concerned. You rinsed out the toothpaste from your mouth and flossed. You smiled at the waiting Tooru. Tooru smiled back, his eyes sparkling as you made eye contact. The image of a dog wagging its tail in excitement to see its owner came into your mind as you saw Tooru be so eager.

Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now