Chapter 15: As long as you're here

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You had fallen asleep in your childhood bed. It was 2 a.m. now, and you couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts were swirling in your brain.

Was I really time-travelling to fall in love with Tooru again? Why was this time-travelling experience so different from the last? Could Tooru let go of you for 5 seconds at the summer festival so you can wipe your hand on your kimono?

You turned the light that was on your nightstand.

You looked over your calendar to see what the day and year were. Today, or rather yesterday, was June 26th. You would only be 12 for two more days. School had ended the day before around this time. You had no idea if you would be stuck reliving your middle and high school days.

You shuttered at the mere thought of going to school for 7 hours, at least 2 hours of extracurriculars, and then cooking and showering every other day. Not to mention the hours upon hours of studying.

You felt your eyes slowly closing.


Your eyes fluttered open. You looked around and saw that you were still in your childhood bedroom, but this time, your calendar said October 17th of...last year or the current school year for your 12-year-old self.

Please just let this hell end.

You groaned and got out of your bed. You pulled the drawer in your nightstand and pulled out your hair brush.

"I have to go to school again. Whoever makes me return to my school days deserves to go to hell."

You walked out of your room and went to the bathroom, which was somehow already occupied by your sister even though she never (willingly) woke up early.

"What do you want (y/n)."

You ignored her and went into the bathroom. Looking at the mirror, you saw the acne you were all too familiar with. Your acne had lasted until you were about 21, and it was only then your hormonal acne really seemed to go away.

If I can remember right, I got my acne when I was 12, which

"Omg what's on your face."

You could already feel your 12-year-old body reacting to your sister's comment.

"It's completely normal, you know."

Your sister blew a raspberry and left the washroom, leaving you in the room alone as a teary-eyed 12-year-old. Despite your attempts to hold back tears, your 12-year-old body seemed to have other ideas.

I guess I really don't have control over some of my body. Some things just cannot be stopped. Wait...this was the day I cried, but I can't remember why...


It was him. Tooru was the reason you called that day...or today. That must be the answer. Why were you sent here if it didn't involve Tooru somehow?

You tried to finish your morning routine, but you couldn't find it in yourself when it came for you to change into your home clothes. You buried yourself in your blankets and cried. You could hear your mom's car leaving the driveway to bring your sister to school. Perhaps your mother had thought that you had already left.

You kept crying, and time seemed to stand still. 

Feeling a slight tug of the blankets, you got out of the blankets and saw your mother.

"(y/n) What are you still doing at home?"

"I don't want to go to school."

"Why is that?"

You hiccuped, everything in your face completely clogged up.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, if we talk, I could help you and get you to school."

You pondered it momentarily, not remembering how your mother reacted the first time this happened.

"I have acne. What if I come to school and Tooru sees me and wants nothing to do with me? My other friends were mean when I wore pink on the wrong day, and I don't want one of my only friends running away from me."

Your mother looked at you, not saying a word for a while, as if she could guess that if she said anything about you being stupid, you would burst out crying. Something that you would 100% do, by the way.

" Well... (y/n). I know you're worried, but Tooru's always been there for you, even when you ate all his candy. He cares for you and would never let something like a zit get in the way of that."

You touched your acne subconsciously at your mother's slip-up.

"How do I get my acne to be better then?"

"Oh well. There's tea and cream and something that you probably shouldn't get on anytime soon."

You nodded and got out of bed. Your mom called the school to let them know you were going to a doctor's appointment and wouldn't be at school for the day. Going to the doctor's office still made you a little nervous as you waited to talk to the doctor. It fetrange having to live through your life again.

You got prescribed the right acne cream and went back home. Your mother left you alone after making your food, and you spent the rest of the day sulking in bed.

The sulking never seemed to last long, though. Tooru was always around the corner. It appeared with everything you did. No matter who tried to get him to stop spending time without you.

Before you knew it, you heard a frantic knocking on your door.

"(y/n) please let me come in."

You groaned, moving to your side.

"You can come to Tooru."

Tooru slowly opened the door, looking over to see that the shutters were still up. He walked over to you, seeing only a cluster of blankets on the bed. You felt a pressure on your arm.

"Yes, why weren't you in school today?"

You felt yourself getting teary-eyed again and refused to move.

"(y/n) please look at me."

You moved slightly to look at Tooru, who looked down at you. Tooru immediately held you and kissed your forehead, burying his head into your neck.

"I was so worried about not seeing you at school today."

You froze, slowly removed your blankets, and wrapped your arms around Tooru's neck.

"Tooru, I feel ugly."

He pulled away from you, trying to see if something was amiss.

"What about you? Is it ugly (y/n)?"

" I have acne. Don't you see?"

He touched your face, tracing your acne-ridden cheeks and then your forehead.

"I see it. It doesn't matter to me. I'll always love you."

You could feel your heart beat faster. A simple thought came into your mind.

I'm in love with him. I'm in love with Tooru Oikawa.

You hugged him, feeling warm and safe. It felt like a cocoon of warmth, his warm body and hot breath against your neck, the way you could hear his steady heartbeat. Everything felt right in his arms. Everything disappeared, leaving only you and Tooru. You finally realized he wasn't a fleeting presence in your life, something that would come and go like the seasons you had thought after your surgery. Tooru was a comfort that would never disappear. He loved you no matter what. Even though you hadn't fit the beauty standard for most of your life, he loved you completely and utterly. His love was like a strong river flowing quickly and rapidly; sometimes, it overwhelmed you because you weren't used to it, but you had come to love it. It was as fluid as the river, ever-changing in its ways. Yet, unlike a river, you knew his love would never disappear and be claimed by someone else. 

Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now