Chapter 17: Faults and All

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After changing your diaper and being given a bottle, you returned to your own time for a little bit. Tooru had been bursting with happiness when you told him about the things you had experienced. He had seemed extremely excited about your guy's first meeting proposal. Calling you yome again and again.

He hadn't talked about getting married, but it was clear that he didn't want you to leave. He kept insisting on ways to change your citizenship. You felt he didn't want to scare you off, though his subtleness wasn't there for the sly fox you knew he was. He tried to put up a front, yet he couldn't help but let some things slip.

On your bed, you questioned what exactly it was that kept sending you back in time. Was it a god, or was it just the universe? You really didn't know.

Looking over to the clock on your bedside table, you saw it was 7 pm. Tooru wasn't home but might have been in traffic or buying groceries. You waited patiently for him to return home, reviewing your work emails to ensure you had read over your client's questions.


Startled, you jump up from the bed and stand up. I heard the loud steps coming closer and closer to the bedroom. Tooru opened the door and immediately flopped down onto the bed. He didn't notice that you were next to the bed.


He looked up and saw you. His eyes were red and glossy. He moved quickly. His hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him. With his other hand, he enveloped your waist and pulled you further into him. Effectively trapping you between his arms, sitting on his lap.

This feels like a trap.

He nuzzled your neck, his lips being far too close for comfort. His body was warm, so warm. You could feel his hot breath as he breathed through his mouth.

"(y/n), can you help me with something?"

You could feel your brain melt. Nothing was working. Every piece of rational thought was gone now.

Tooru kept nuzzling your neck, his arm only tightening his grip as if to prompt you to try something.

"(y/n) please..."

Why is he like this... He has all of the control, and yet he wants me too...

"(y/n) I love you."

You turned your head and leaned in closer. He tilted his head, his lips brushing against yours. Turning your body only seemed to make him demand more of you. It was as if he had been walking through the scorching desert for days without water, and you were the only oasis for miles. He desperately took any piece of you he could before you could slip away from him. He only came back to get air when he had to, exhausting both of you before he came back to capture your lips.

He needed more. More. More.

Kissing felt right, like something you had done a million times before, which you definitely had. It was too much. Tooru was kissing with so much more experience than you. He remembered everything you liked, everything that made you tick, how to kiss, everything. His hands strayed to your waist, caressing you. He was doing everything to turn your brain off.

Your arms found their way to his neck. His kisses only grew rougher. You tried to be quiet, but you could feel yourself betraying yourself. He ground his hips, his hand on your neck, holding your hair away from your face- as if he was protecting you from the world, making sure you would only be his to touch, to have.

You whined when you felt an obvious indication of how excited he was. He pulled back, looking at your face.

"We should stop."

Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now