Chapter 12: How do we try?

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You had gone back to Argentina the morning after the shopping spree. It hadn't been entirely necessary when he had only spent 2 days out of his 5 day holiday, but you just went along with it.

If I let her have a chance to meet him again...I might lose her forever.

You look at Tooru's sleepy eyes. His eyes find yours immediately.

You suddenly feel yourself in a more dimly lit room. Tooru was smiling weakly at you with the same tired eyes.

"(y/n) I'm Argentina....couldn't help it."

You looked at him more intensely. He was wearing a hospital gown, and he had something stuck to his arm.

You blinked rapidly and felt yourself in this moment with Tooru again, back on the airplane with Tooru beside you.

These memories coming in are so strange. Some memories get triggered, but some just won't.

"Hey (y/n), is something wrong?"

You furrowed your eyebrows.

Did Tooru really notice how I felt that quickly?

"I think I remembered something."

"Oh, that's great."

"It's just you were in the hospital, and your hair was darker..."


You looked at him, hoping he would finally confess. He was supposed to be honest and work through his problems. Would he really slip up that quickly?

"Well, back in high school...our relationship wasn't the healthiest. Not that it wasn't either this year, but yeah. I was struggling with myself and my self-worth, which affected our relationship. My health was deteriorating, and I had to go to the hospital a couple of times."

"So why did you repeat everything now?"

"I guess old habits die hard. Sometimes, the lesson we learn doesn't mean much to our brains when you're under even more intense pressure than before."

Around the same time, in Japan,

He knocked on the door, a bouquet of roses in his hands. Your mother opened the door.

"Oh Wakatoshi hello."

"Yeah, hello, Mrs.Nguyen. I am here to take (y/n) on a date."

Your mother clicked her tongue. She went silent as she tried to scrounge up a reason.

"Wakatoshi, you're a very nice boy, but (y/n) has changed her mind. She wants to try again with her ex-boyfriend."


The roses fell on the floor.

How could this be happening? I did everything right. I treated her the way she needed, yet she returned to the man who broke her from the inside. The man who had broken almost all of his promises for her.

"I know your mother wants you to find a matchmaker, but... why don't you just go to a party in 2 days? Maybe you'll find a girl for you."

Your mom quickly entered her house, got a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote something on it. Wakatoshi just stood there.

"I'm really sorry that she didn't choose you. You were really good to her, but it's up to her what she wants. Sometimes, the person you like doesn't feel that way about you; you just have to accept it. No matter how many "right" things you do, sometimes it's not enough. I'm sorry."

Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now