Chapter 20: That shopping addiction isn't going to fix anything

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You had woken up, and miraculously, you were actually 22 for the first time in a while. Your eyes were heavy from sleep, but your body was sweating, and you could feel yourself go closer and closer to a heat stroke. You forced Tooru's arm off your waist and sprinted to the kitchen.

You got a cup and filled it with water from the fridge. You gulped it down, practically forgetting to breathe. It touched every part of your dry throat, revitalizing you in ways you didn't think were possible.

You checked the digital thermostat and saw the day and year. Luckily, it had only been what seemed to be 20 hours since you had last checked the time during....your time. Making it so you hadn't missed anything important and would have to be forced to ask Tooru what exactly you had been up to.

Tooru groaned and looked at you. He leaned on the door frame of your shared bedroom.

"(y/n) since when did you get this excited to get out of bed? Come back to bed with me. It's only 30 more minutes before our lives get too hectic."

"As great as that sounds, Tooru, I would prefer to just lie on the cool ground away from the walking furnace that is your body,"

Tooru smirked and looked at your t-shirt and shorts.

"Oh, are you saying I'm hot?"

You only rolled your eyes at his comment as you got your second drink of water for the day. Tooru pouted at your silence and slicked behind you while you were distracted with drinking. He waited patiently for you to finish drinking and immediately crushed you with a bear hug.

"I don't want you to escape me (y/n) even if it means I must pay a few hundred dollars more for the air conditioning."

"Tooru, you are so annoying. You know that, right?"

"I only annoy you because I can't help but show my love in every way. I know you love the way I love you."


"The only reason you are not saying anything is because you know you can't lie to me about how you feel without giving yourself away."

He chuckled, released you from his hold, and removed the frozen waffles from the freezer. You watched him in his morning routine glory. You had no idea how he made the dishevelled bedhead look work.

He untwisted the plastic band on the plastic bag of waffles and took out six waffles. He put them into the toaster, leaving four more waffles to go, and brushed his hand lightly on your back as you got out the coffee to make drip coffee. You smiled and looked at his back, seeing him walk to the bathroom and try to untangle his hair.


Tooru's POV

Tooru smiled sweetly as he watched you hurry out the door to arrive at work on time.

"Bye, Tooru. Love you."

You waved at him and slammed the door to your guy's shared apartment. His smile immediately turned into a frown.

He was on a mission—a mission to find the valuable items scattered across the apartment.

I know (y/n) must've been spending some money while our relationship was rocky. She must've been indulging just a little. After all, I do most of the meal prep for us, so she's gotta at least have spent some money on food.

"I might as well as search for the things first before looking at my bank account....I might have a heart attack if I do that first."

He narrowed his eyes, looking at the kitchen. Knowing there was plenty of storage in the kitchen, there could be dozens of things (y/n) had bought without him knowing.

Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon