Chapter 19: The Universe or something else?

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You woke up to what you suspected was at least one year after your previous travel, considering the calendar on your wall said April instead of October.

"(y/n) wake up. Your hair is a mess; people will think you just left bed if you don't straighten it."

Your mom looked at you, narrowing her eyes before placing a brush on your bedroom makeup table.

You moaned, rolling on your bed. Looking at your calendar, you saw that you were supposed to go on a a Japanese Island. Make it stop! Why do you keep time-traveling?

You fell out of bed and crawled to the hairbrush on your makeup table. Sakura swung the door out and yelled," (y/n) GET OUT ALREADY."

You sighed, got up, and went to the bathroom.

You put your hands to your face, groaning.

What other important memory do I need to know about...I already love Tooru again...though I don't have memories back...not fully, anyway.


"(y/n) come here."

When you turned, Tooru smiled at you, holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his arms.

Smiling, you took the flowers from him without much thought.

"So what do you think of them?"

"I love them, Tooru. You really do know how to charm a girl, don't you?"

"Well, of course I do. Don't act so surprised that I'm such a charmer. I had lots of practice with you, like when you got upset when I gave you heart jewelry or when I gave you that candy apple when you were 6, and you ended up needing an Epipen. I'm extremely well-versed in what it takes for me to make you feel cherished."

You leaned into his chest and poked at his cheek. Tooru raised an eyebrow and leaned down. Quickly, you kissed him on the cheek before stepping back.

You couldn't help but giggle. Tooru was far too good at making you feel like a teenager all over again.

"Marry me, (y/n)?"

You froze and felt your heart beating a mile a minute. You nodded shyly.

" we have about..30 more minutes on this street before we are supposed to regroup at the hotel. What do you want to do with the rest of the time?"

"Oh, I want to try the milk bread here. I was so busy trying to find the right bouquet for you and almost forgot."

You smiled and let Tooru lead you to the bakery on the street.

He looked at the display case excitedly, his eyes shining, twinkling with wonder.

"Oh, can I get the cinnam-"

Tooru slammed his cash on the register.

"I'll get two loaves of your best milk bread and a cinnamon roll."

The woman behind the register flinched simultaneously as you. She nodded silently, rang him up, and got the baked goods from the back.

"What was that for Tooru?"

"Oh, you know the Asian tradition. You must ensure you can pay before the person you are eating with can."

You rolled your eyes and sighed. He simply smiled at you and rested his head on yours.

Soon enough, the woman working had gotten you both your goods, and you left happily, completely enamoured by the baked goods.


Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now