Chapter 4: Summer Haze

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You saw Tooru's back first. His muscles rippled as he stretched. It seemed like he was trying to loosen the tension in him.

It made something in you flutter, and it wasn't your heart.

He made eye contact with you first and gifted you his charming smile. It seemed rehearsed, almost like he had practiced it in the bathroom for 6 hours. You froze in place, unsure what to do.

"(y/n) is something wrong," he said jokingly.

"Ugh, no, I just got a little distracted," you said. You shook your head, trying to let go of any impure thoughts of Tooru. He raised his eyebrow, a sly grin on his face. He didn't believe you, but he was willing to let go of it, which is what you needed now.

You walked towards him. '

"It's probably best to stay at the hotel for now. Let our parents cool down for a bit," Tooru said. His eyes were glued to your face now, trying to find any rejection from you.

"Yeah, I feel like my mom is going to make me run 100 more errands than I typically would if I was at the-our apartment," you said.

"To be fair, your mother has to do 60% of the chores because your dad is either in Tokyo or another country half of the time," Tooru said.

"Mmm yeah, I suppose," you said quietly.

"Now for less depressing talk, why don't we go buy some yukatas because, well, the ones we brought don't fit us anymore," Tooru said, his eyes sparkling.

He grabbed your hand and happily walked you to the market.


"Oh dear, you are so tan. Did you go on vacation?" the old lady asked.

"No, but I lived in Latino America for quite a bit," you said.

"Oh, is the wine cheap there like they say?"

"Oh, I never really drank that much. Just tried to get my degree and slept."

The elderly woman chuckled.

"Now, young gentlemen, do you think this is a good yukata for your girlfriend?"

"Hmmm, I think there are too many flowers, but it is really up to her."

You thought about it for a second. You looked down at your yukata. You took out the pink yukata with less floral print on it.

"Yes, this is a much better choice for you, and the blue and black one for you, young man?"

The elderly woman looked at him, tilting her head.

"Yes, I'll be paying in cash."

The woman nodded and went to the cash register to ring him up. Tooru shook his head to the dressing room.

A memory flashed before your eyes, a younger Tooru who had toddled towards you—a Tooru with red cheeks from running, dressed in cute overalls. You could see his mouth move but couldn't remember what he said.

You blinked quickly, trying to understand the memories given to you suddenly. Your whole amnesia thing confused you, and you didn't exactly know how many more of these memories would be given to you. If it would all come flooding in at once or like the aftermath of some drunk escapade where you would slowly remember everything as you go back to where you were. Though you couldn't remember everything that way, considering you and Tooru had spent all your years together as far as you gathered.

You mindlessly changed your clothes, already hearing Tooru's steps towards the changing room.

"(y/n)-channnnnnnnnnn," Tooru singsonged," How long are you going to take in there."

Fragments in Time( Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now