Chapter - 30

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Akshara's pov:

I woke up from the noise outside the room. I scanned the whole surroundings, the room to be exact and I noticed that this is not the place I usually rest. This room is not mine.

The last time I remembered was when I was in the street. cutting up under the rain and I saw him.

I tried to stand up once again, I know I'm not in the other world because it's only 1 o'clock in the afternoon based on the clock inside the room. We won't have a switch until it's the other day around.

"Akshara, thank God you're okay." Harshad rushed inside the room, looking worried than he'll ever be. I haven't seen him this worried before, maybe my presence looks so pitiful that he can't even control his reaction.

"Thank you" I exclaimed as I leaned in the headboard. "Sorry, I brought you into my house, I also told the house helper to change your clothes carefully so you can rest. What on earth happened? Do you have any thoughts or can you explain what---"

"Calm down Harshad, I'm alright. I just need to talk to you about something. Have you heard my voicemail?"

He nodded and went to sit in the chair beside the bed where I was sitting.

"I don't know if you're gonna believe me but the alternative universe I mentioned to you back then is real. I once woke up in the place where you exist, the same features as you, the same voice only with a different character in front of me. We were close in there like we were living under the same roof or what. Then when I saw my face in the mirror, I had shorter hair with an eyebrow piercing like a bolder look of me but her name is Mini."

He looks like he's listening and analyzing the things intently enough for me to know that he's with me.

"After a day interval, I woke up with this body and I'm clueless about everything. Did you remember the time I grabbed you while you were talking with Ms Sawant. That wasn't me. I only found out about it when Arjun told me more

"Oh, Arjun" I can't clearly tell if he rolled his eyes when I mentioned his name or what and spoke of Arjun. I have a lot of explaining to do here.

"That wasn't me too Harshad, believe me. This bruises in here was caused by her, I don't have any clue on what she did but to think that she picked a fight with students the last time you told me, maybe she did the same thing now. She's a literal badass and she's getting out of control. I'm not even doing something when I'm in her body."

"Wait, so you're telling me you were inside her body when she's at yours?" He interrupted.

"Yes, more like it. I remembered the time when I was there and I met a few people named kairav and muskan and they said I was their some sort of a group leader or what--"

"They are a group of bada-sses? and with kairav and muskan?" his brows furrowed as if he's trying to clarify something

"Yes, why?"

"N-nothing, please continue"

He threw in a side glance at the other direction and I think the names I mentioned rang a bell on him.

"Then everything seemed so advanced there, a whole different era and I'm convinced this is all because of quantum mechanics. I mean I had proof about that, when the time I got drunk and you, uhh you drove me h-home..."

I hesitated telling that part because that's when we had an argument.

"I woke up with a heavy headache and the Harshad there said 1 went out with kairav and muskan for a drink and I had too much but in reality -"

"but in reality you were also drunk the night before it" he continued, nodding his head like he's had some sort of a point.

"Yeah that's for the theory I mentioned. We can both do things at once. I was actually dumbfounded about everything in there because you acted differently the same way I and mini differ."

"How do I behave there?" He asked curiously with his gaze focused on me. I can't concentrate because he's like he's reading my whole being.

"Weird. I mean it was weird for me because you gave me morning kisses, cooked my breakfast and even painted a portrait of me." I can't look at him in the eyes after I said those details. It's making me awkward because he might think I'm kind of delusional for him to be serving me.

"Wow, that was actually cute. I wonder if I could meet that one. So that was why you asked me if I was the Harshad you were seeing on that other side the last time?"

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry that I shouldn't have forced things with you -"

"No akshara, it's okay. Have you noticed anything strange there?" he questioned again. I bet he's starting to believe me and this whole thing I'm currently in.

I almost forgot what I am in a rushed for earlier. I was about to ask him the locket that I've found.

"Uhm, there was this time when we were talking and I saw the Harshad there went into the drawer inside of my room and took something from it. I saw it and it was a locket"

"A locket??! What about it??" he looks bewildered to the point he even cut me off from my own words.

"It was the same thing as the one I found in the side of the street when I walked home from work. It has a moon carved outside of it with an inner message of the universe---"

"the universe is within me" he continued then again. I was astonished with the fact that he knew what was written inside of it. The locket was in the pocket of the shirt I was
wearing and I don't know where exactly it is.

"How did you know?" I asked him but he looked surprised and confused at the same time.

He took his phone and scrolled through it. "D- does that look like this?" his face looked in horror as he showed me a picture from his phone.

It was the same as the one Harshad was holding back then and the same as the one I found but it shocked me more when I saw what lies beside it

A lifeless dead body.

Beyond World -HarshaliTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon