Chapter - 19

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Mini's POV:

"You look nervous" he grinned.

"As if. Stop fooling around, I don't have time for that" My soul almost went out of my body the moment he stared at me asking who the hell I am.

It was a close call. Time for me to be careful about my moves, Someone's watching

But why the hell does he know every detail of Akshara? The information he shared earlier sounds like he's been close with her for a while more like observing her.

"It's all set up now" the guy earlier approached. The set up was filled with a lavender background and random lighting for effects. Simple yet can be turned powerful once I take a step in that platform.

"What are you going to do Akshara?" the Arjun guy then again stood nearby. I can sense that he's an idiot. His presence irritates me ever since he interrupted my fight the last time. I was still making those girlies suffer but this argh--- nvm, don't want to talk about him more.

"Are you gonna keep asking about what is obvious aren't you?" I commented. I heard someone let out a teasing laugh and it's him, Harshad, he mouthed what? when I glared at him. Tsk, people are weird.

"Watch me take over your career" I uttered before I left for the platform.

"Show me then" he smirked. He is almost matching my energy, no wonder he is the boss but I'm way higher than that.

"Okay now please pose" start clicking one after the other as I take on his challenge.

Watch me, Harshad.

After the shots, I dashed out of the building to find other things to spend my time with. I don't have nothing more to do in that agency and I am for the least, trying not to spill things to him about who I really am.

"I'm still not done with you" someone from behind exclaimed as I had my step in front of the motorcycle. I didn't notice he had the time to follow me around.

"Well I am. What do you want?"

"You're my personal assistant, have you forgotten about that? It's your job to organize my schedules and such" he exclaimed with a monotonous voice standing in front of the glass door.

"I don't know if you're playing around with me but I'm done with your stupid games." I replied before riding the motorcycle and drifting away from him as fast as I can. Leaving him behind with a wondering face.

Damn, he is making my life hard. Better not to see any glimpse of him for now while I plot how to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Not gonna lie, he's handsome quick to catch up on me. Some maybe are that idiot not to notice the changes but I know he's better than that. He's making my stay exciting and thrilling at the same time.

I stopped at a narrow street for a bit, groping for some coins in the pant's pocket to buy for a cigar. I don't usually smoke but when things get messy, I do hit it sometimes. Just a stick for the stress earlier.

I tried to grope anything around the pants but I haven't found a single penny in it. Damn, I don't even have money to buy things here, I forgot to check on Akshara's wallet earlier tsk.

I started the motorcycle again and drove into an passage to sit down and take on my plan. I won't get lost in this city, I have a great sense of direction so it does contribute sometimes.

"Give it back!" Just as I was about to sit, I heard someone pleading from a distance. Must be in the hidden part of this passage.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Another plea sounded with the same voice as the first one who spoke.

"Because you're a fucking idiot" another voice sounded followed by joyous laughter.

Damn, how can I take on my plan when there are these noisy people around? Do they even know about shutting up?

To my curiousity, I walkabout to the corner where the voices came from. They sound like kids goofing around and playing Tsk, nuisance.

"Please give it back"

"Hell no"

Oh, they're not kids. Must be high schoolers based on their faces and body appearance.

They're a group of four boys, circling a crying girl around. In their hands travel the bag the girl must've own. They're passing it towards each other, and base on their heights, it's easy for them to lift it a bit in order for the girl not to have a grasp of her own belonging.

"W-what do you want?" she whined as she speaks.

"Nothing in particular, just messing around" the boy with spiky hair exclaimed as he tossed the bag to the other boy.

They seem not to notice my presence in front of them. Ah, I'm getting enough of their bullsh'ts, I still have a plan to build and their good for nothing asses is ruining it.

"Have you heard from the girl? Give it back" I stepped in the scene with my arms crossed. How come that they're making fun of a girl? Are they cowards or what? Why don't they pick someone their own size and quantity?


"Oh hi, Miss Pretty what are you doing here?" their gazes turned at me.

"Nothing in particular too, maybe beat the shit out of you if you won't give that bag back"

I uttered, unfazed with the sneers on their faces. I'm gonna knock their asses off and teach them some lessons that they still haven't learned from bullying someone.

"Sounds like a challenge" the spiky threw the bag at the other boy and started walking towards where I stand.

He lifted his arm and was about to throw a punch when I landed a kick on his stomach first making him outbalanced in the dirt floor. I'm wearing tough boots and I know a kid, that definitely hurts.

The other boys followed after their seemingly fallen leader, landing their jabs in thin air as I counter them and giving a massive blow in their stomachs and face. Punching each who ever dares to lay a hand at me.

"Is that something you should be proud of? Disguising like pathetic bullies but are totally losers and weaklings?"

That fucking disgusts me I was about to threw in some final kicks for them to realize their mistakes but they went on escaping holding their stomachs and faces. Assholes.

"T-thank you Miss" the girl picked her bag, stained with dirt from the time it was thrown aside.

"Don't let anyone do it to you. You should learn how to fight if you don't want to end up getting killed"  her innocent eyes changed into piercing ones as her brows narrowed, nodding from my remarks. I'm not a total jerk head who doesn't care about my surroundings. I just hate the thought of someone acting like they're superior, getting high in their own heads and picking on other people as if they're gaining something from it.

That's why I'm like this. Im a war freak but not for shallow reasons, Just enough to knock some senses off their skulls.

The girl thanked me again for the last time before waving bye, running to the other direction she's supposed to.

I know how it felt to experience things like that, I know how it felt to be belittled and was made to think like a fucking weakling. I know how it felt to be helpless, to plead for someone to lend a hand and I still know how it feels to have no one reached out on me as I started standing in my feet.

Fight or ending up dying were my only options back then and luckily, I chose the first one and bet she should too

Beyond World -HarshaliМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя