Chapter - 9

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"Oh, uhm good m-morning Mr Harshad." Uh Akshu, I think I have to excuse myself first." Arjun exclaimed, making his way towards the door. I tried to stop him but he insisted on going Oul.

I don't want to be left alone here with Harshad. I still don't have the courage to face him about what happened yesterday.

"Miss Rathod" he started after Arjun left the area. The way he mentioned my name made me panic. Something in his voice makes me want to freeze in my position.

"Y-yes Sir?" I stuttered, refusing to meet his stares. He sat in his swivel chair with his chin above his clasped hands. That's it, it's his bossy mode. It's making me fold into pieces.

"Do you have any idea about what happened?" he uttered slowly putting weight on everything that he said. I gulped from the first question he had opened up. My knees are trembling as the tension rises in the room.

"Y-yes Sir--

"Harshad" he corrected. His voice sounded resonant that my body becomes tense. Like what I've always known, he rarely talks casually and when he does, it's either he's happy or having it awful.

"Do you know how that disturbance became controversial not just in our agency but for Karishma's as well?" he steepled the tips of his fingers. I can't think of a way to answer his questions, my head's gone empty and agitation is making it worse.

"I don't know what happened Harshad"

'How can you say so?" his voice turned dead and just by looking at his expression, I know that he is disappointed. "The last time I remembered was when you had a commercial with Ms Sawant. That's all I swear to God" I elaborated. His face remained steady, looking like he's analyzing my whole being.

I would never get tired of saying that I'm not aware of what happened even if I say it persistently I don't care as long as they'll believe me. This may turn out as some sort of misunderstanding though, and that head locking thing that I've done, may spark some issues. I mean the agency might file a case against me. Now that's making me panic even more than I felt just about a few seconds ago.

"Harshad please, just believe me. I am that person, yes, but I'm not aware of it and I can't do that thing to Ms. sawant" I stirred from where I stood. I can't bear to have a bad record at this work, it's the only thing that's making me continue my studies. Yes, my parents work their backs to support our family but I don't want to be a burden to them and this is the only thing that's saving me from it.

"You don't need to worry about Karishma I already talked to her about that." He stood up from where he sat and went right in front of his cabinet, making his fingers run through every detail of the frame. "It was unexpected, I have no idea what pushed you to do that"

"I dont know either way" my hand kept on fidgeting, I'm grateful that he talked to Ms. Sawant about that incident but it keeps on bugging me. What if I ruined her image because of that? or what if issues will arise? Media is out of control these days and will make everything controversial even if it's not supposed to.

"You don't know? What kind of reason is that?" He stopped at another desk and sat on it. I've never been so weak before, unless it's her I'm in front of. "A valid reason Harshad. Maybe I was just half awake or something happened in me but that's all I can prove." my eyebrows twitched from the moment. I can no longer expect that he'll have my explanations.

I can't share the thing that I just said to Arjun, maybe it'll appear so unrealistic for him, he might think that I'm in some sort of mental illness. And maybe he's gonna have the same reaction as him. That's just too much and on the other hand, I have nothing yet to prove what I imagined had happened in yesterday's timeline.

"You look like you're hiding something" he gave a glance at my direction, making me feel like I was struck in a bit. My eyes cant take a hold of his stares. Hiding and not telling a single word is somewhat different and what I'm doing is the latter. It's not that I am hiding the Mini and Harshad thing, it's just that I refuse to tell him about them. I bet he's not gonna trust me in any way.

"Look at me" he ordered. He went down from the table and is taking a few steps towards my direction. The silence in the atmosphere and the sound of his steps emphasizing in the floor is making my heartbeat rise. He's getting closer.

"Are you sure you're telling me the truth?" I gazed at his blank face before nodding my head in response. I'm telling the truth - - at least I know that I am telling the truth. "What if your actions affect my image? What would you do about that?" his hand held my chin, making me look at his wondering eyes. Those questions... Those are the things I am afraid of. I don't know what to do to compensate for the nuisance.

"I'm s-sorry. I wont d-do that again" I gasped. He let go of my chin and turned his back away from me. As he did that, I can see from his swinging hand that it left a bruise mark, the hand that I've seen myself pulling harshly in that video.

"You need to rest. I'll handle this" he exclaimed as he went back to his seat. I felt guilty feeling rising in my system. I think I caused that bruise. "Is t-that bruise from yesterday?" ! pointed to his left arm which he had his eyes on.

"Yeah, don't worry about that. You can have a day off and please do take care of yourself"

I did not continue interrogating him about what exactly happened. I do feel sorry about it, it's making me feel guilty even if I am not. He's paying attention to reading a magazine so it's better for me to excuse myself and do what he says. Maybe I need a rest.

I slowly walked towards the door and before I eventually stepped myself out, something in me had the urge to mumble "Please believe me"

Beyond World -HarshaliTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang