Chapter - 28

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Akshara's pov:

The morning of another day and my body can't move a single inch without me whimpering in pain. It's as if my body's being torn apart from my movement. It hurts so much that I can't contain myself from shredding tears once I have to face the other direction.

"Oh God Mini w- what did you do?" I murmured, letting out heavy breaths from each word. This is the worst thing that I have experienced, she's becoming more of a catastrophe every day she's taking over. It's like she's getting worse everyday. Before, she'd just argue with some employees and such but now she's up to torturing my own body or may even end up getting killed.

I rolled too far to the side of the bed where I fell off in the floor: T-fudge" I whimpered in silence as my body hit the hard floor. This is definitely torture and I don't know if my body will still last if Mini keeps doing this.

I am mad, terribly mad at her for doing stupid things without taking into consideration how I would feel the time I'm back at my body. I don't have any clue on what she's doing when she's in control, she won't even leave proper notes elaborating the things that have happened. She would just let me handle things for her, guess the mess she's done, and feel the pain of the aftermath. She's definitely making my body surrender and if this continues, I might be better off dead than having to clean after her.

I crawled towards the desk, having my hand completely grabbing the surface of it for support as I started lifting myself from the floor. My arms feel weak but my body especially my thighs feel weaker as the upper part of my body seems to be numb.

I reached for the mirror to see what happened in my face because I couldn't almost feel it but I almost stood out of balance the time I had a view of my own reflection. My lips were busted and the right part of my check is swelling from the greenish-violet bruise in it. My arms were half covered in bruises as well.

My heart almost broke down from the sight of my own face and body. It looks pitiful that I don't even want to look at it this time. I refused to lift my shirt up because I know there are more injuries in it, just the feeling of awfulness in it makes me tear up. The pajamas that I am wearing are covering the whole part of my legs in which I also know something terrible happened. I know it'll be covered in bruises as well, I can't bear the pain anymore.

I closed my eyes as tears started flowing freely from it. It's just not the physical pain that's making my system heavy. It's the emotional and mental pain I'm going through. The distress that I don't have someone around to help me ease the burdens I've been carrying all this time. How can Patricia do something terrible like this? She's making my life unbearable. If only I could talk to her, I'll speak my thoughts up and definitely gonna fight for what is right.

Nothing would happen if I will just wait here in pain, withering from the consequences my own body is feeling through.

I wiped the tears from my face carefully as to not have contact with my bruised cheek. I need to fix myself before trying to fix everything up. Yesterday, when Harshad and I were talking in their world, I saw him having the same locket running through his fingers, the same moon design carved on its surface. He said it was a gift I gave to him on his birthday and he was taking it out of the drawer to just show it back to me. I asked him to open the locket and I was astonished by what he said. It has "the universe within you."

I didn't expect to see it again because I even reminisce about its presence that I almost forgot. If I'm not mistaken, I slid it in my bag the night after I found it lying on the side of the road. I slowly walked towards my closet to look for my bag It's located in the lowest drawer, taking it up would require much of a strength because I couldn't even bend my knees in this situation. I slowly tried to make my knees sit on my foot as I searched for the bag in the drawer. My legs feel like it's being torn apart but I had to endure it to find the locket.

I caught the sight of the bag in the corner of the drawer as I picked it up and took all the things inside of it. I picked the locket that fell on the floor and raised it up for a view. It's the same.

I need to figure out what it is and why was Harshad holding it? I mean if Mini gave it to him, why does it look like the one I had found? Isn't that much of a coincidence? If it's connected then would it be the key in solving this situation we're in now?

Even if both of the Harshad's denied that they are each other, 1 still need to ask the Harshad here about the locket, he might have something in mind or he might possibly recognize it.

I almost forgot, I didn't get the chance to clear things with him. I couldn't find the right timing to tell things because
whenever I do, it's Mini that's taking over the next day. I can't just send him an email about it nor a note, I need to speak things with him in person and speaking of it, I should call him right now to ask if he's available. I'll send the resignation letter too so I'll take the effort to meet him. I don't care if my body still hurts or my face looks ruined, I just want to know if he had the slightest idea about this thing

I crept towards my other table where I see my phone lying at the space below the upper surface. I think it may still be a good thing that Mini isn't touching my belongings except for the clothes. I don't know if she already saw this phone or she just keeps a blind eye on it. There are a lot of important things in that thing so I should better hide it in a place I only know.

I was about to reach for it when I saw another yellow note on my board. It's hers again. The color and the handwriting is definitely hers.

I reached for the first note and took it from the board. I tried to read it but the first line stopped me from continuing so..

Hey loser, you know what? That Arjun friend you have, I kissed him.

What the actual fuck Mini? NO YOU DID NOT! WHAT THE HELL?

I thought there are no other things that'll make me disappointed but this, on God I don't have any words for this. With rage filling up my system, I managed to continue reading the other words from the first note.

Yeah damn right I kissed him. No sweetie, I despise his whole presence but I need to clarify things out with Harshad because the both of you are acting suspicious. U think I wouldn't notice that huh? You have something going on between you no?

WHAT??? HOW- WHY WOULD SHE THINK THAT WAY?? She fucked up big time and I have too, Mini, I don't know what else could I say. You ruined it, you ruined it all. I cant even swallow well because of the things that she'd done to the people around me.

I look the second note and read it like the first one.

I saw how he reacted to that, he likes you.

I out a heavy sigh before letting myself collapse in the floor: What did I even do to be treated this way? I don't Know if I should believe her but what she said break my whole being. First I woke up in this beaten up body and second I read about her, kissing up Arjun just to see Harshad's reaction? What kind of a fucked up mind would even think of that?

"Mini,  you're r-ridiculous and insane. I couldn't bear more of you, I j-just can't handle you anymore. You're g-getting out of hand, you are -you are too much damn it!" 1 mumbled as I weep in the floor helplessly. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm ruined. Arjun is the only friend that I have but she ruined it and Harshad watching her, kissing him? That's not a sight I would even wish to see.

I'm lost in my own thoughts and is drowning in my own pain as I stare at the ceiling with tears dripping in my eyes, wishing everything to be back the way it was before this chaos started.

Please let me live Mini.

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