Chapter - 8

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Akshara :

"I don't know what's gotten into you but yesterday, you pulled Ms Sawant by grabbing her arm. You even gave her a headlock! dude you were reckless I couldn't believe my eyes! And then you know what-

"Oh my God"

I leaned back to my seat because my body can't handle the shameless things Arjun is insinuating that I did yesterday. Did I somehow wake up unconscious of my surroundings? That's impossible! no, this can't be.

"And the worst part is, you dragged Mr Abhimanyu by the hand into his office. Well that made a commotion since what you've done Missy, is a very questionable thing to do." he added, making me more nervous. The fact that I am unaware that I did that is bothering me. Ahhhhh I hope I just disappear all of a sudden. This is nuts.

"No way Arjun, are you perhaps joking because if yes this aint funny man"

"No Akshu, watch this!" he showed something from his phone. It is a video of myself, dragging Harshad back to the office. Everyone in the video was looking at me flabbergasted with my actions, even Ms. Sawant was holding her neck which Arjun also said I was head locked. I paused the video and zoomed right at me. Different... I look different there. I'm wearing something inappropriate for work, a black tank crop top with ripped jeans. Holy sh- this is madness.

The video was a bit far but it can be noticed that my face is grumpy like it's angry for some reasons. Harshad on the other hand is just calm and goes along with how I drag him. If I was him, I would literally panic-I mean I don't understand the sudden turn of events and I wasn't expecting it either.

"Now do you understand what I just said? You're acting different Akshu, just that time. You made us all wonder about what's going on with you. After you went to the office, you rushed your way out and I haven't seen you until now." he explained.

Just as I thought my life couldn't be more complicated, there is still a lot more to go. Goodness, what is happening? What if I tell Arjun about what happened to me yesterday too? What if he knows the answer I've been seeking?

"You know Arjun, something different also happened to me yesterday" I started. He sat properly giving all his ears to me. "I woke up in a different room"


'No silly, I know what you're thinking. It's different. The room is different and I know I am the one who owns the room because of the pictures in the walls. The room was in a modern design and is green. Their furniture, the paintings, the things are all distinct like it was made in the future." I recalled the view from the room as I explained things to him. He displayed a confused look which I totally understand.

"I pinched myself in there, it tingled. That's when I knew it was real at that moment. I just can't explain it bit by bit. There's also this big motorcycle in the room that when a red button is pushed in its part, it broke up and transformed itself into a tricycle, two tires at the front though and uh, they called me Mini".

His confused face became more bewildered as I went through the details. That was odd, I know and nothing can clarify what had happened between me and myself. The whole thought of this is making my head crack.

"I'm not sure if I should believe you or what but this footage here shows that you're way different from the usual sunshine Akshara and the way you tell that story right now is messing with my thoughts... Have you perhaps been doing the you know, the d word?" he asked in a serious tone. I closed my eyes, disappointed with what he had concluded. If that's just the case then I wouldn't be around here right now.

"Do you know what you're saying? and did you really think I had the guts to do that thing? You're unbelievable." I exclaimed in frustration. I know that others might not believe what I just said. Made in the future huh? Who am I kidding? I shared this with him because I thought he could maybe come up with an idea or a realization but he just straightly went into asking me if I was doing something that'll disrupt the way I think.

"Listen Akshu,  I know you have been having it lately. The stress, the full schedule, your studies and anything else that is bothering you. Maybe you're just tired, I understand that. I think you should take a good rest before coming back to work" he stood up and tapped my shoulder as if he's sympathizing with the things that are bugging me up.

"N-no, you don't understand Arjun" I also stood up readying myself to prove that I've done nothing wrong and I didn't remember doing those things in the video. "Shh I know you're tired Akshara. Maybe you had it all out on Ms Sawant yesterday, you almost choked her to death. I think you need to rest first and then apologize to them-

"NO! You should be the one to listen to Arjun! That girl yesterday was me I know but it's the physical appearance that you're giving your basis only. Do you think I will do that? To Ms Sawant and especially to Mr Harshad? Do you think I'll cause that wide commotion over my feelings? No Arjun, I would never do that I swear. The last time I remembered was the time I talked to you, nothing more. And those that I've said earlier? I'm unsure if that was a dream or not but it felt real" I grumbled stomping my feet on the floor. I can't handle the frustration I am dealing with right now. If there are a lot of people who can understand me, I trust that it would be him but he's not getting the point. He's been my friend before I even joined the agency so that counts him as one the frustration I am dealing with right now. If there are a lot of people who can understand me, I trust that it would be him but he's not getting the point. He's been my friend before I even joined the agency so that counts him as one of my trusted people.

"I saw it, I saw familiar faces there. It's like everything is completely opposite from ours, I woke up in this body they called Mini, she's like me only a lot bolder. She has short hair, an eyebrow piercing and her aura was making people in their school tremble. I know this is crazy and you might think that I am going into some foolishness but I also saw Harshad in there. A whole different one" I added, his browS drew together as his eyes narrowed making me believe that he's not having any of my explanations.

He sighed and massaged his temples using his hands. "Akshara, please, gather it all together. We still need to work. If someone bothers you up, just call me - - -

"Fine if you wont believe me! I'm just stating what I encountered. Don't ever come to me if one day I'll be back with that attitude again" I grabbed my bag and was ready to walk out of the door. It's fine by me if he won't believe in any words that I'd said, I'm not pushing that idea. it's up to him.

"Wait, did you just say you saw Mr Harshad?" I turned my head to look at him before I went outside the door. "Yes and he was completely acting strange unlike-"

The door of the office opened and there stood a familiar face I happen to see everyday in my work. The one whom I recently was comfortable with.


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