Chapter - 27

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Mini's pov:

Damn it, I dozed off.

It's 3 pm and I'm bored as fuck. There's nothing enjoyable in her life aside from finding out how she lives and noticing details from everybody around her. Not to mention messing up with people she's been with.

I went out of her bed to search for coins in her purse. I want to have a cigar in the meantime, to reduce my stress and boredom.

There's nothing left in her coin purse other than 7 bucks, probably enough to buy a pack but I prefer only a stick so it's more than enough. I wonder how she can survive with that less money in her pocket. I mean I got to eat the food in her fridge even if it's also lesser than expected but what happens to her if the foods are all gone? I'm more worried if the stocks are out and it's my turn in her body.

I need to have a breather first, the same alley I went to last time will be a great place to smoke.

After I bought two cigarettes, I went straight into the alley to light it up. This place is better, no one can see me smoking here.

I did enjoy the thing that had happened earlier. The feelings are like solving a case with my own investigation. I don't want to interfere with what they have because that ain't my fucking business but he should know the boundaries if I'm the one he's speaking at. He wouldn't know about us, our exchange though but still, he should control herself up if he doesn't want me to put Akshara's life in danger.

I don't have anything meaningful to do, I'm just a jerk jumping into somebody else's business and ruining their life for the sake of my happiness. I know it's not right from others perspectives but it is, for me, No one should live happily, not in my watch and too bad for akshara, I'm the one who got into her body. She doesn't have that much of a choice and I know, I just know she needs me to do things for her even if it turns out to be a mess.

"Oh look, who do we have here" I turned to look at who talked while still purring the cigarette in my mouth. Nothing big, just the same idiots I encountered back then here at the same alley.

"We met again" and I greeted them with a wide smile. These teens don't have much to do in their lives huh? we're the same but I had other reasons to do this besides, kids like them should be at school during this time.

"What brings you here?" spiky asked, I straightened up myself from leaning into the brick wall and walked towards them. They've become a lot more than I remembered.

"Getting away from trouble" I pointed the cigarette in my mouth which they all nodded mockingly in response.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but that ain't gonna happen. Remember the last time we met?" they're to in total and each one of them have bright smiles on their faces, too innocent that they look like they spread goodness.

"Yeah, it's now a part of my memory" I know they're up to no good again this time.

"I think it's payback time" now all of them went to grab something from behind. It was brass knuckles and all of them had it.

Damn, this is what excitement is!

"Woah, you even prepared something that big for me huh? I appreciate it a lot"

"Shut up"

The first three kids charged towards me, aiming their brass knuckles for a hit.

A dead end is what's waiting behind me so I've got no choice but to fight. I would've let them go if I had the choice but right now it's like my words went back at me, it's only between fighting and ending up a dead meat. Their quantity is their advantage because if we only have it in a one vs one set up? They know they cant win.

The other shitheads started coming at me as I kicked one after the other. They're actually fast. I punched the other one in my left as I gave a kick at the one behind him. Fuck, is his head made of metal? My hand almost got destroyed from the hardness of his face.

"Fuck!" I groaned as one fist managed to escape my defenses, landing in my stomach. I coughed from the pain of the impact, fuck it, those knuckles are making their punches hundred times stronger.

Their weeps can be heard as I also took my chance to hit each one of them.

"Fuck" now that I had a taste of pain, I won't hesitate to hold back anymore even if it means a greater trouble ahead. Damn these losers, do they even have someone to discipline them? or they just want someone to do it for them?

I threw a punch at the other kid, enough for him to stumble on the floor as I gave a massive blow in the back of another one. Half of them are already lying on the floor but the other rivals are still breathing fine as

"AHHH FUCK" This time I shouted from the top of my lungs when two fists landed in my body, one in my back and one in my left. A few more punches landed in my face, it must be considered as a good one since the lists without knuckles are the ones that hit it.

"How was it? You look helpless, poor you"

"Shut the fuck up" I kicked his jaw which made him stop from talking as he landed in the floor, unconscious.

A kick in my leg is one blow that almost made me kneel in pain. It landed in my thigh which is the most vulnerable and weakest part that I have. I'm not gonna let this idiot live---

"S-stop it a-already" one of them shouted. His hands covering his injured nose. I stopped for a bit, catching my breath from the commotion. Most of them are on the floor some are holding their stomachs while others are helping them. The arrogant spiky one is left unconscious. This should serve as a lesson for him to never belittle girls.

I shook off the dust that landed in my shoulders as I straightened my shirt, trying to regain my composure but the impacts of their knuckles are making it hard for me to stand up still.

"You kids better not do things that'll cause you trouble. You see, you can't easily pick on someone you want to because you think of them as a weak one" I stated as I look at each of their faces. They still have a lot of things to go through in their lives. I should've not fought back because unlike them, I've trained in kickboxing and boxing itself.

"Y-yes" they answered in chorus. I'm convinced they were threatened to fight alongside the other idiots I encountered before

"Now go and don't you ever do these stupid things again" they all moved swiftly, supporting the others by their shoulders dragging them out from the alley.

After they were out of sight, I took the last almost torn cigarette from my pocket and lit it up, leaning back to the wall for support while wiping the blood that's been going out my nose.

This is another trouble akshara would face tomorrow. I've done a lot of shitty things in her life and for the first time in a while, I am terribly sorry for what she's about to feel.

Beyond World -Harshaliजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें