Chapter - 2

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Akshara :

The van is taking a long silent ride. Everyone including the driver, Si...rr Harshad, me, and the other assistant are not making any sound because we are used to how silent our atmosphere is wherever Harshad is around. We don't wanna make him uncomfortable. For now, I'm entertaining myself by reading In the Parallel Side book.

I've been into these types of books since I was a kid. It's the thought that pulls me into reading more about it. I can't believe how vast the universe can be and how there are possibilities that other lives are existing on the other galaxies as where we live, the milky way is also one sort of a galaxy. It is just one among billions of galaxies in the universe where each contains billions of stars and has at least one planet orbiting that star. It's just theories that there might be possibilities of life among it, as well as the possibility of an alternative universe.

It's all weird how there are unusual things that appear unexpectedly and how there are other visuals of creatures looking outside of our own planet which they say is inhabitable but the research only shows a few over billions of them so.

"Make it stop" Harshad hissed with his eyes closed. I'm sitting beside him so I can see how his face crumpled looking like he's in pain. I don't understand him. What should be stopped? What is she talking about?

"What's wrong Harshad?" I mumbled as I leaned closer to him to check if he's just dreaming or he's got an insect biting him or he feels nauseous but he's staying still with that reaction not leaving his face.

"Stop thinking so loud" his mesmerizing hazel brown eyes opened as he speaks. His nose wrinkled while his brows lowered. I haven't even done anything wrong but why is he looking at me like I am at fault? Is there something wrong? Why, What and How I don't understand him.

What is he talking about? What is he thinking? What's bothering him? Ughh this is the hardest part of my job, I didn't sign up for this just to be a mind or action reader of some kind but it feels like my role includes it. Oh no.... Is he tripping?

Wow now look at that, his face turned into a judging one- he's like evaluating me with those stares again and tight sealed lips. Great, what's going on with him? Is he okay or should I knock some sense into him? I could possibly do that only if he's not my boss.

"Cute" he muttered, tiny smiles popped up in his lips before closing his eyes back, laying his back comfortably in his seat.

Uh what was that right now? What is wrong with him and why is he so random? I don't understand... What if he's daydreaming or just ---nah that's impossible.

Anyway he still has an interview to attend to. Maybe he's just having hallucinations because of his stress. His schedules are a bit tight and I know that he's not even getting enough sleep so I get it now, he should also at least get some rest. Poor Harshad.


It's 8 p.m. in the evening and I have to go home after the day's schedules. It was pretty exhausting but not as much as those in actuality. I'm kinda having some adjustments about the work set up since I'm the youngest employee they have and I don't want to be treated like a baby so I'm doing my hardest to be as responsible as I can.

The agency is not that far from our own house that's why it's convenient for me. I can go to work just by walking a few distances. Sometimes I go home a bit late since there are still other things to settle before the actual time out of the day, which can be considered as an overtime though.

Just as I was about to turn to the street corner, a gleam from a tiny piece of thing caught my attention. It's glowing from its place where the street light hits. I hurried to find out what the shining thing was.

It's a silver round shaped locket with a moon carved on its cover. Why is this gorgeous thing in here? Has anyone left this? I tried to look around for possible owners but there were no other people walking in the street except for me.

I opened the cover and it revealed a shining little mirror on the left side while the other side had a quote written in it. The universe is within you it says. Aww this is just so pretty that I can't even take my eyes off of it. It's glowing brightly together with the light of the post.

The universe is within me

Maybe I should keep this locket by now. I'll post a poster about this one maybe tomorrow. The owner will probably look for this so I gotta make that poster fast. I put the locket in my bag as I continued to walk in the street towards our home.

Okay now we are starting our exciting journey........stay tuned darlings.

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