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Heeeeey sorry I haven't been uploading... BUSY BUSY BUSY! And... My finger is better!!! Anyways, Here is the Next Chapter to Hater! Remember, you like it... Vote! Don't vote unless you acually like it! Thanks <3>

Jack's P.O.V 

It has been about 3 weeks since I have talked to Mallie. All over instagram is pictures of her with Harry! It gets me really jealous.. I mean like... Really jealous! I'm so furious, fustraated, I feel like... re- rounding time and getting everything out of my mind. It wasn't me, It was her. Kate. She grabbed me, I din't grab her. The only reason I stayed kissing her is because I thought the person kissing me was Mallie. I'm not lying! You have to believe me! 

Here's the story. The true story. If you don't believe me.... F you! I'm not kidding! It pisses me off when someone accuses me of something when they don't know the true shit that happened. Their minds are cluless! Listen to this story and you might believe me. Trust me.

Trust Me.

Mallie's Birthday- Bar Time- Jack's P.O.V

As we walk into the Bar, It looks like a light party. Green, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Orange, Red lights everywhere! I just knew we were going to stay here more than a few minutes. I look at the birthday girl and she's smiling. I look at Kate and she is staring at Mallie. Not in a bad way.. Not in a mean way.. Not in a happy way... Just staring. We sit at a clean table and talk for a while until Melissa says we should dance. Melissa pulls me to , I think the middle of the dance floor ,  and we have so much fun! That girl dances really good. I mean.. Really good. I even got a little... nevermind... Then, Melissa pulls Mallie away and they dance. I go away and go to the bar section. I ask for a beer and they give me one in less than 2 minutes. I chug it down and ask for another. I sit down and close my eyes. in a few minutes I ask for a vodka. Yeah I know i'm probaly under age for a 19 year old but.. who knows?! I drink it carefully before I chug it down. MMMMMM! It tasted really delicious. A little too much alchol but heeeeeyy i'll be fine tomorrow. Just then, I hear muffled voice fill my head. I could barley understand since I was partially drunk but I knew it was Mallie. She started kissing me so I kissed her back. We kissed for a long time. She stopped and got me some water and started kissing me again. Then, I heard screaming. I got up quicckly and---

I'm sorry... It's just too painful to talk about it. I love her so much that everything that happened that night haunts me. It's just like... Why did I do that? I really f***** up. I grab my phone and dial the numbers that seem to never leave my mind. 

I dial the number but nothing comes up. I dial it agian, nothing. Again, nothing. Again. Again. again again again again again again again again! shit! F***! Ah! I grab the phone to throw it into the wall and--


Jack- Hello?

Mallie- Jack?

Jack- Mallie.

Please Follow and Vote! Voting means u care! Thanks sooooooooooooo much! I wouldn't be here without my fans! And check out my other books by me and my friends. Expecially " i wANT "




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