Chapter Eight : Mixed Signals

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He scribbled with all his might.

It had been so long that he had actually written a letter by hand, rather than those long bulky emails that he typed. And most of them had been filled by automated suggestions.

But he had to write everything on his own now, going into the depths of his heart to pen his feelings down.

And when he finished, he folded the letter and slid it in his pocket.

It was going to be an important day for him tomorrow. He had to have that talk with  Kalyani. 

He had to speak to her. It was his only motive for the next day.

With that as the last thought in his mind, he drifted off to sleep quickly as he closed his tired eyes.

With that as the last thought in his mind, he drifted off to sleep quickly as he closed his tired eyes

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"I really… like you…" He was stuck on the same loop, as stubborn as he could get.

She refused to even look at him, forget about listening to him. But he kept repeating his words and was hell bent to speak to her.

"I should go now, thank you for your help. I am truly grateful. But my mom will be worried about my absence."

She knew that as long as she stayed here, she could not avert his annoying presence and the dire need to have a stupid and out of context conversation.

"I have called your mother here. She is waiting for you downstairs. I told her you were injured. She is fine and not worried." He had already handled everything and the other scenarios she was fearing about.

He held her hand and pulled her closer. 

She wanted to slap him if it was not his house she was standing inside. But she controlled her urges.

"Kalyani, do you like me?" He asked in a low voice.

She didn't respond. 

This was followed by a long silence of around ten minutes. All this while, he kept looking at her. His eyes were stuck on her like iron glued to a magnet.


"Can we meet tomorrow, please?" He finally mustered the courage to ask her.

"Okay. Where?" Her replies were curt and short.

"At the Durga Mata Temple. It is Ashtami tomorrow."

She nodded with a sigh. "I don't know why you're doing all this. I am telling you, your feelings will vanish soon."

She got up to leave. But he held her hand and pulled her back. 

"They won't." He whispered.

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Before visiting the Durga Mata Temple, she chose to go to the Mani Temple nearby.

She chose this temple because it was peaceful. 

And Rudra would not follow her around, giving her privacy.

She bought some Neelkanth flowers, Lord Shiva's favourite ones, for offering Him.

As She poured water over the magnificent and beautiful Shivling, She recited mantras and prayers. She was a staunch devotee, and she had memorized everything by heart. 

She was a firm believer. And a devotee of the Lord is much like him; calm, peaceful, and completely unbiased to the world around. 

Neither judging them nor having no fear of judgement.

Neither accepting any respect nor fearing any humiliation. 

Neither labelling anyone as their own nor different from them.

Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything.

She felt transcendental peace as she closed her eyes and prayed to him sincerely.

He drank the poison to save the world. May He diminish my pain to heal me. Please guide me on my life's purpose, Lord Shiva! Aum Namah Parvati Patiye Har Har Mahadev!

She reached her arms around and hugged the Shivling tightly, feeling warmth and safety in the Lord's vicinity.

She then headed out again; her next spot was the Durga Mata Temple.

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Aum Namah Parvati Patiye
 Har Har Mahadev!

Karma : A Tale Of Vengeance and Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora