Mind clear

420 24 5

Short chapter

Xander looked at Elijah and just as he opened his mouth to say what he wanted to as they sat in the room by themselves he really looked at him. Elijah looked resigned but also disappointed and xander had a feeling he knew exactly what he had called him in here for.

Xander felt a little guilty but he still mustered up his courage and began "Elijah...uhm I-i think it would be good if you went to a different manor for a while it needs to be looked after and we thought you'd be the perfect person to go.." Xander mumbled more towards the end avoiding eye contact feeling terrible for lying to his person.

Elijah narrowed his eyes he opened his mouth to say something before stopping he took a deep breath and slowly let it out before walking to a couch and relaxing into it while staring xander down eyes intense and full of something.

"So" he started voice deep and hoarse making xander tremble subconsciously.

"You're trying to get rid of me? Have you forgotten what I told you? Do you not know how to use your words? What in my actions caused you to decide on such a foolish decision? What made you think I'd agree and not see what was actually happening?" He questioned xander harshly each question making xander tremble more and more.

He subconsciously thought back to the day he'd confessed and the things Elijah had said the things he'd promised.

"alright.... I'll become yours, I'll take care of you only look at you only care for I'll feel as strongly as I can for you and only you I'll make you completely dependent  on me so much so that you'll never be able to leave or live without me I'll tie you down to me and me down to you and never leave your side, are you happy with that little one?"
"You won't be able to leave me ever, your mine now just as I'm yours no matter how you try to get rid of me I'll never leave you or let you leave me I've never felt this way for anybody so I'm asking you again , are you sure you want this?"
Xander pursed his lips looking at his feet not able to answer. He actually forgot about the promise and he felt bad but it couldn't be helped that his insecurities took over it's just now he couldn't look Elijah in the eye he felt ashamed.

How could he want his person to leave him?

How would he have even lasted without him?

He felt foolish but the little insecurity still there whispering in his ear even if now he knew they were true.

He doesn't love you

He's just saying this to make you happy don't listen to him

Do you think he'd actually love a person like you? You a hassle...you only know how to cause more work for people he's annoyed at you look at his face you know it's true

Xander startled and glanced up when he heard Elijah's deep soothing voice "Look at me when I'm talking to you" Xander looked him in his eyes and Elijah must have seen something cause he let out a sigh nodded his ear and did a "come here" motion with his finger.

Xander stood up and went to him slowly before climbing in his lap. Elijah breathed again and said "You don't think I care for you as much as you care for me? Did I not show you with my actions? Am I not caring for you enough cause I allow you to spend to time with your family? Speak to me, what do I have to do for you to believe me when I say I'm yours just as you are mine and I care for you more than I e cared about anyone or anything"

Xander teared up and shook his head "I believe you...I'm so sorry" he sobbed softly "I don't know what's wrong with me, I just always have these thoughts in the back of my head that you don't love me and you don't want me" he said voice soft and trembling.

"I even forget our promise...how could I forget" he said body overwrought with sadness.

Elijah just shook his head and kissed xanders forehead "it's fine little one calm down it's ok I'm not mad I was just disappointed that you didn't believe me and that you forgot my words" his deep voices murmured softly and it just made xander sadder he had disappointed his person...

Elijah seemed to sense these were the wrong words to use even if he was just being honest... "alright kitten it's forgiven just promise you'll come and speak to me when you feel this way so we can talk it out before you try and make big decisions like this again" he said keeping direct eye contact with his little one

Xander nodded staring into his eyes and sniffled a soft "Im sorry I promise I will" voice nasally from the crying. Elijah seemed satisfied with it though but his eyes grew intense and he gripped the back of Xanders hair cuffing his skull firm but not harsh "good don't let this happen again we've already been over this I will be severely disappointed if I find you doubting my sincerity again without even speaking to me, use your words and I promise I'll always make it better"

Xander nodded before meekly leaning in and giving Elijah a kiss not mind his hit being pulling since it was still in Elijah's grip.

Xander felt as if fog lifted out his mind clearing it, he really doesn't know why he felt these insecurities when Elijah first made his promise he felt the sincerity and didn't doubt it so how come he was just about to send him away?


Well he had things to do now such as explain the situation to his brother and father and then explain to Elijah they knew and then somehow get them to get along since he felt that would be taxing...


Was his last thought before dozing to sleep


Looks like I led the chapter isnt small lol and as you can see i made him stay I figured it was weird when I reread that they already spoke on this and resolved that issue to bring it up again so I squashed it

So it's not baby Xanders fault but author she forgot not him lol

Question is am I going to blame it on him a random character make a big problem small problem or no problem?

That remains to be seen also this was not a planned chapter I was reread as I said after looking at a comment I became invested in my story and then saw the old chapter and remembered the latest chapter so I thought I'd seal this plot hole before I forgot about it again

Hope you all enjoyed ❤️❤️

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