Mine ....

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Xander has been feeling a strange emotion as of late. For some reason he couldn't quiet put his finger in it he knew it wasn't a good emotion though. It made him feel uncomfortable and stuffy in his chest and he felt the urge to make the person accountable suffer badly...... he chose to leave it alone though, he thought if he went to sleep it would go away... he was wrong, not only did it not go away he has a funny feeling it got worse and will only continue to do so.

He feels like he should tell Elijah, but he couldn't bring himself to. He couldn't even comfortably call him his person and wasn't that a shocker. He hadn't not thought of Elijah as his person since he was able to actually put a label on them. Now he couldn't even comfortably think of Elijah so of course since the uncomfortable feeling was centered around him he avoided him hoping it wasn't to noticeable.

Xander was currently under a bed in one of the many spare rooms this mansion has. He made a second makeshift nest under there so that he could still sleep peacefully. He had discovered a room that looked very cozy but looked liked people rarely came so he chose to make it his get away room. He was fluffing the pillows and blankets before getting under the cover ready to sleep the day away when he was suddenly dragged from under his(?) bed.

He blinked slowly as he came face to face with a glaring Elijah. "H-hi?" Was said in his usual stoic face but his voice was more voided of emotions then usual. That made Elijah's glare disappear and a barely noticeable frown take place. Xander voice was always soft and a little coquettish when speaking to him and his face showed a bit of emotion as well. Never had he been spoken to in a cold voice and expressionless face by his kitten like the rest of the maids.

He had noticed Xander avoiding  him trying to go unnoticed and he found it weird but he didn't question it he just paid closer attention. He thinks he knows the reason but he wanted his kitten to use his words he can't always know what's the matter with him and make it better when he just turns silent and takes everything in by himself.  He wants his baby to always be vocal with him even if the matter isn't serious he doesn't want him to block him out like he does with everyone else, he wants to be the exception as he had been since his personality took the 180 it did.

Finally out of patience he asks "What's the matter precious?" In a gruff baritone voice. He took great pleasure in the full body shudder that elicited from Xander  but now was not the time.....

"What do you mean Elijah?" Xander asked voice still cold and off putting to Elijah's ears.

"This... have I done something to upset you? I need you to speak to me and tell me why you've been avoiding me and why you are talking to me coldly...you've never done that kitten so I know somethings wrong I need you to speak." He said a bit uncomfortable about having to put his emotions on display but this was a serious matter.

Xander was a bit taken aback he knows Elijah isn't a man of many words at least not in the same sentence he knows he finds it uncomfortable so for him to speak this much was surprising. He was unsure if he should tell him the reason though what if he was just overreacting and Elijah got more upset cause he felt he was being to dramatic?   He didn't want that but he also didn't want to ignore Elijah anymore especially after he had just asked so sincerely.

"The..the new maid..." he mumbles quietly wondering if Elijah even caught it.

"Angelina? What about her kitten?" Elijah coaxed even though he was certain he knew but he had to get his kitten to say it, this will improve later similar complications if he works out his kitten being more vocal and communicating with him better.

"She likes you doesn't she?" He asks finally looking Elijah in his eyes something he avoided since they began talking.

"Yes she does now tell me why that upset you to the point you ignored me without speaking to me, did you think I'd cheat on you? Leave you for her?" He asked displeasure clearly coating his words towards the ending.

"Sh-she's been following you around a lot and touching you and laughing around you.... She's been dropping things purposely when you walked by so that you could either help her or see what she has on under that to short of a maids dress.... She's "accidentally" pushed her chest into your arms or in your view sight with her cleavage and bra to far out the top of her dress, she might as well wore a sign asking you to fuck her!!" He said in one breath surprising himself and Xander.

Who knew he had it in him to speak that long and that loud even if his voice started off in his usual soft tone(no longer cold) but the ending Elijah wouldn't have been surprised if the nearby maids heard(he doubted it maids rarely came in this wing of the mansion). But he was proud of his kitten for speaking just like he had asked...so proud.

He leaned forward and kissed his forehead gently "good job kitten you spoke so well, next time you feel some type of way use your words so that I can make it better baby otherwise I can't help you" he mumbled into the crown of his head softly.

He leaned back to look him in his eyes as he said lowly and seriously " I do not have any feelings for her baby you have nothing to worry about, every time she did what she did I ignored her or pushed her away I even told her I was seeing some one she hadn't stopped though so I made sure I wasn't around her unless I really needed to be... if you still feel upset or jealous let me know and I'll get rid of her no matter the consequences... I'm Yours baby, only Yours."

Xander had tears in his eyes some hanging on his long eyelashes. He looked at Elijah through his wet lidded eyelashes and mumbled "your mine?" He asked shakily he hadn't realized what he had been feeling was jealousy he never been or had a reason to be jealous ever in his life. But hearing Elijah- his person-  say himself that he was his made him feel more relieved and content then he though it should have.

Elijah kissed both eyes softly as he wiped the tears away gently "of course baby I'm yours just like you are mine, don't ever forget or doubt that fact" he said with a hint of possessiveness that Xander always loved to hear and feel from him.

Xander showed a small but bright smile as he leaned up and kisses him deeply with his own bit of possessiveness that Elijah found adorable he indulged and kissed him deeper gripping his nape firmly kissing him breathlessly not letting him go till he saw his eyes go unfocused and start to close.

Xander dropped his head on his shoulder breathing harshly he missed this, he missed the near crippling possessiveness he loved feeling from his person that made him feel secure and loved. 'Mine' was his last thought before his finally felt tired from all of the emotions and energy this conversation took and drifted to sleep.


It was supposed to be published earlier today but my sisters wanted to play SIMs FreePlay so I played with them whatever this chapters was gone be the months ago I type that first word I have no idea so I made something different I hoped this was fine

Merry Christmas Eve babies enjoy your Christmas love you all😘😘😘

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