Good graces..

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(Changed the cover image)

Waking up in a room that was not his was not how Xander thought he'd start his day.

He was basically buried in covers because of his lithe frame but the person in question didn't seem to mind. In fact he just blinked a few times unshed tears still in his eyes from the yawn he'd just let out. Oddly enough even tho he just woke up he still looked tired.

Sitting up in the unfamiliar bed Xander took the time to slowly take in his surroundings. He noticed the theme of the bedroom was that of Victorian age. From the silk curtains to the elegant chandelier to the mahogany vanity and the canopy bed he was currently sitting in.

Though it was surprising to wake up in such a room Xander didn't seem bothered at all on the contrary he didn't seem like he cared. Before waking up in this room he remembered reading a book given to him to keep him awake though he read it the book soon turned into his pillow. He planned on taking a short nap and heading home but this was not his room he was pretty certain he wasn't in his house as well.

Slowly blinking the sloth like male climbed out of the bed that was oddly far from the ground that he had to slide down half way before his feet touched the ground at all. He slowly pitter pattered to the vanity that had a mirror only to widen his eyes slightly in surprise.

In the mirror instead of bushy black hair framing a small diamond shaped face pouty lips button nose and black cat shaped eyes, he was met with shoulder length dark grayish black wavy hair with tips the color of a pastel lavender color tho oddly enough he could tell it wasn't dyed , natural arched eyebrows with sharp cat shaped  golden eyes though instead of regular pupils he had vertical slits that really enhanced the cat like shape his eyes had with thick lashes to lid them and with the way they are dropping from his sleepy ness it paints an adorable picture most people couldn't help but coo at. His cheek bones were defined but gentle at the same time it gave a aristocratic feel with a v shaped face he had a buttoned nose and pouty cherry colored lips with a Beauty mark under both his bottom lip and two under his lefty eye. He couldn't help but gape a bit he also noticed lights freckles dusted his nose and cheeks a bit looking like stars on his pale smooth skin he just knew he'd have more on his body maybe even more moles.

Looking down at himself he noticed he was a bit smaller than he originally was as well but not by much since he was pretty below average in the first place. His body was small and lithe maybe even dainty tho he could tell he could protect himself if need be which was enough for him. Overall he looked beautiful and delicate , adorable and soft but he also had a sexy feel to him due to the beauty marks pouty lips and gold lidded cat eyes. His original body was not to be looked down on but the current him topped his old self by a slight margin due to the sexy feel he now obtained.

'Hmmm?' He thought to himself as he made his way slowly but surely to the bed he had just climbed out of only to have to basically rock climb back on (I remember when I had to do that when I was littler 😂) . He was almost up on the bed just a few centimeters away from paradise when the room door was suddenly knocked on. Now though Xander was lazy he was not necessarily rude but he could tell if he answered that door it would be troublesome he could also feel it would be troublesome if he didn't answer it as well.

Thinking for a bit he decided he'd ignore it and continued his way on the bed.

Finally he'd made it onto the bed he fixed it to his liking meaning he was cocooned in his covers with one pillow under his head and the rest off the pillows surrounding him looking more like a make shift nest of sorts. As he was settling down and dozing off to dreamland he was interrupted by the excessive knocking.

Knock knock knock

This time however the person didn't wait for an answer they made there way into the dimly lit  room .

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