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Xander found himself in the arms of the man he wanted to see the least while heading towards his bedroom. After the incident in the bathroom Xander insisted he could dress himself and make it to his sleeping quarters without the help of the butler. But said butler left no room for negotiation as he took the little one out of the tub and got him prepared for bed.

After a surprisingly tough struggle from the feisty kitten in Elijahs arms he finally got him to settle down and positioned him so that he was straddling his waist and arms around his shoulders while he held one hand on his thigh and the other around his waist tightly gripping both hands lest he start to struggle again.

The walk back to the little ones room was silent and slow paced as usual. But, Elijah couldn't help but notice that not only wasn't the little one asleep, he wasn't resting his head on his shoulder, he didn't situate himself to get comfortable as he usually would and most noticeably he wasn't playing with the hairs on his nape. And surprisingly Elijah found his self a bit dissatisfied by that but didn't speak of it.

Finally making it to the room Elijah placed Xander in his make shift nest careful not to mess it up since he'd seen how much thought he'd put into making it. Elijah got his charge comfortable and couldn't help but look at the cute creature a bit longer. By the time he noticed he was staring he saw small thing staring back up at him with big eyes not as clear and see through as they usually are but instead with a complicated light that disappeared soon enough.

He opened his mouth to say something but was surprised to be interrupted by the smaller ones voice seeing as he'd been silent these days. " I think it'd be best for you to take a small vacation..." Xander's soft voice started and Elijah would be lying if he said he wasn't affected by the word said to him but before he could voice his complaints the voice started again.

" It will be payed of course so don't worry about that think of this as a reward for putting up with me even though I know you don't like working for me... I mean it wasn't that hard to notice with the moments you show slight hints of mockery,sarcasm and ridicule in your voice and eyes." He finished off the whole time staring into Elijahs eyes with a blank expression pointedly ignoring the shock and slight flash of hurt that passed the older mans eyes though his face stayed its usual state.

Elijah seeing that he was finished talking decided now he had the chance to speak. " Little master although I appreciate your consideration I don't need a break I'm fine with serving you how I have been these past few days, and if I have slighted you in any way with my behavior I can change it so won't you reconsider plus if I leave who would take care of you the way you need to be cared for?" He said with his polite professional smile on his face but his eyes showed something else something Xander couldn't quite decipher.

Feeling a bit cornered with the gaze that was directed his way Xander wanted to end this conversation as quick as possible. Just because he acted this way now didn't mean he cared for him as Xander cared for him he coaxed himself. Just because he's defending his place as his personal servent doesn't mean he truly wants it he continued. Just because his eyes flashed with pain doesn't mean he understands mine he finished and with that he was convinced though Xander could tell Elijah had some type of feelings for him it wasn't what he was looking for. Elijah saw him as a pet or an interesting thing to entertain him for the moment he saw him as a possession and though Xander didn't mind that he wanted Elijahs feelings to be real he didn't want to get his heart played with and ultimately broken.

So steeling his heart Xander said in a voice that showed no room for negotiation. " I will get a stand in plus while your away I already have someone in mind he will take you place while your away so you don't have to worry yourself."

Hearing that somebody else would be taking care of Xander made Elijahs blood boil and hearing it was a man even more so. He knows Xander is picky with the people he let's touch him so just who was this new person and why were they chosen. Elijah stopped himself from gripping the little ones shoulders and demanding the name of the man who would dare touch him while he was away he knew he'd likely hurt the little one if his touched him now with his emotions being how they are at the moment so he took a deep breath and stood up. This is fine he convinced himself, the little creature is just a pass time he continued, maybe this break is what I need then I can get my emotions and check and go back to how I was at first he convinced himself.

"Alright little master as you wish but how long will I be away?" That has been nagging at him seeing as the little thing only said vacation but never how long it was. Xander paused for a second then put the cover over his head before saying "A year." Going to sleep leaving a frozen stiff Elijah. Xander didn't mind him though he felt that a year was the perfect time to gain some distance from the person who had that much influence over his heart. Yea.... A year is perfect maybe he would be able to get over him in that time who knows.


Ok well I started on this chapter a while ago when somebody had mentioned they wanted another update but It was around my testing schedule so I wasn't able to finish it I just remembered it and did he'd the other half I didn't reread it but I hope it's not jumbled up seeing as I just winged it and didn't see what the first half. Was about i hope y'all enjoyed it if this chapter didn't make sense tell me and I'll find a chance to redo it

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