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Now when the handsome butler brought Xander to the overly big elegant looking door and placed him on the ground with a apologetic look as he opened the door for the boy what he didn't expect was to be scolded.

Xander had his fair share of scoldings but never in his life was he talked or looked at like this. Never was he yelled or called such names by what he had found out was his 'father' his original father was caring and indulgent in all of Xander's whims seeing as the boy was a genius of his time he was let off with a lot of things so he'd never been yelled at really scolded? yes ,but yelled at? Never.

"You useless boy! Are you paying attention to what I'm saying?! After I repeatedly told you not to cause trouble what did you do?!" The loud voice yelled breaking Xander out of his thoughts. Xander just looked at his clenched fist that rested on his thighs as he was yelled at and thought to himself ' I don't know what I did but clearly you do so enlighten me, please?' Seeing that his son wasn't going to answer the angry duke slammed his fist on the table causing the small boy in front of him to jump slightly.

"Answer me when I'm speaking to you boy! It would seem I've been to lenient with you not only has your behavior been getting worse and you grades steadily dropping what is this I hear about you ditching classes to hang around with those shady noble heirs?!? What more is there for you to want or need! I give you everything you ask for , money ? You have plenty, clothes? To many to count some you've never even second glanced at, jewelry? You have all the latest high valued jewelry that most would kill for! So why are you causing trouble with those delinquents ?!!" The duke yelled getting a bit desperate at the ending he raised his hand to strike the boy but stopped himself from doing something he'd regret he's never once hit his son and he won't start anytime soon.

Xander found himself a bit startled at his supposed actions. Now he could tell why his 'father' was so upset his son was basically a prince that could have anything he wanted without even lifting a finger, but for some reason he still found himself in the wrong company. Xander was suddenly a bit guilty for his actions even though it wasn't him who had done it. He bowed his head a bit in submission and softly spoke for the first time since arriving in his new body " I'm sorry... it won't happen again." Was said sincerely by the little one and for sure it wouldn't happen again Xander didn't associate with people to begin with if it wasn't people he was close with why would he do something as troublesome as hang out with shady second generation young masters when he could literally get anything he wanted from his new father.

"You damned !-" the duke started but stopped and blinked slowly processing what he'd just heard from his usually disobedient son . He coughed twice and said "hmph well at least you know your wrong doings but I won't let you off easily again next time!" Xander just nodded his head still bowed in a show of submission and understanding.

Short time skip to after their encounter

As Xander exited the study where he had just been yelled at and forgiven for his supposed actions the handsome and kind butler who had shown him to the study was waiting for him. For a moment golden cat like eyes stared into jewel like sapphire colored eyes. The moment was broken off when Xander held his hands up towards the handsome butler in a silent demand to be carried.

The butler was a bit shocked he'd thought the little one would only do that that once because he was tired but it would seem he was wrong having the feeling this would be a common occurrence the butler just picked his young master up this time having him straddle his waist as he supported him with one hand under his thigh and the other around his waist as the little one once again got comfortable and wrapped his arms arm the butlers neck resting his head on his shoulder to where the butler could feel his breath lightly prickling his skin as he once again started to play with the hairs on his nape.

Xander found himself surprisingly awake on the slow paced journey to what he assumed was back to his room. He took the time to observe the handsome man carrying him and couldn't help but stare .

^What he looked like more or less remember sapphire eyes and he had onyx colored hair oh and if y'all was wondering hes 19 while our baby is 17 though hes short for his age standing a odd 4'11 thought he would insist he's 5'0 while Elijah stood a ...

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^What he looked like more or less remember sapphire eyes and he had onyx colored hair oh and if y'all was wondering hes 19 while our baby is 17 though hes short for his age standing a odd 4'11 thought he would insist he's 5'0 while Elijah stood a even 6'6

Feeling the stare the butler who Xander found name was Elijah looked down at the cat like little one in his arms and quirked an eyebrow in amusement. Elijah saw a flash of mischief in the half lidded cat like eyes and before he could question the little master he was startled at the sudden bite he had received.

( to those who've read my stories y'all know they are usually sexual it happens out of nowhere and fast paced if your new here now you know I don't wanna hear shi about it in the comments it's labeled mature for a reason also instead of the usual harem base I would have or poly relay it's just 1v1 enjoy)

Xander was suddenly feeling playful with the person he had found himself taking a liking to so he thought why not bite him not hard enough to break skin but enough to leave a mark and that's what he did. He waited to see the reaction his person would have to his sudden playfulness he wondered if he would get scolded or if they would play along. He was broken out of thoughts when Elijah had pinched his side lightly looking at him with narrow eyes though there was no real heat to it.

"Behave." Was the one word reply Xander had received he found himself sulking a bit. " It hurts little master what are you gonna do about it, hm?" He heard Elijah ask and found himself looking at the reddening teeth mark that was sure to bruise and found himself feeling a bit guilty at having hurt his person. Though Elijah had said it hurt he wasn't serious he just wanted to see how the little one would react he saw how he had looked at the bite he had made with a bit of guilt and his eyes and notice him purse his lips as if thinking over something.

The next actions surprised Elijah as the little one gently kissed the bite mark sending a slight shiver up the butlers spine and surprisingly he heard the little master speak for the first time that day in soft voice say " sorry Elijah I didn't mean to hurt you ,promise" .

Hearing his little charge call him by his actual name for the first time made Elijah feel a sense of pleasure, looking down at the small bundle in his arms and had to hold himself back from slightly cooing at how the small boy had his eyes and head drooped down in submission. He said in his deep baritone voice "Good boy." And Xander couldn't help but preen at the praise as he felt the vibration from his chest every time he talks.

Xander didn't get carried away with his chosen person though. He could tell although the man was now more indulgent towards him he still had a lot of barriers and if Xander continued to go after him romantically he'd only get hurt. And Xander was right, though Elijah did feel a sudden indulgence and care towards the little master it was far from romantic and more of a person towards a stray cat they had realized wouldn't scratch because they'd taken a liking towards them. And Xander knowing this just thought it was better to keep it that way then to risk his heart being broken to pieces.

Really.. emotions and feelings were so troublesome he'd rather sleep and so resting his head on the butlers shoulder that's exactly what he did.

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