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Xander stirred awake slowly from his sleep his eyes opening to a half lidded gaze as always giving himself a lazy graceful gaze that would remind people a of haughty cat. He glanced around slowly before his eyes landed on his person, Elijah was still asleep in the chair he sat in the night before.Xander sat up with a quiet gracefulness not many could accomplish just waking up.

He slowly crawled to the edge of his bed in a feline calm flexibility as he made his way to his person who was still sleep. As he made his way to stop in front of his person just at the edge of the bed he tilted his head slowl
y, he hedged himself till he was lightly in his persons lap making sure not to wake him as he straddles him.

He reached his hand up slowly to touch Elijah's face he couldn't believe that his person was actually his now he felt giddy inside and a small soft smile made its way on his normally expressionless face. He leaned up slowly wrapping his arms around his persons neck inching his face closer to Elijah's gently and slowly rubbing the tip of his nose up and down his cheek, as a cat would do to their beloved owner in a show of affection and care.

This continued for 15 more comfortable minutes in silence and contentment before he felt his person stir awake slowly. Xander stiffened as he made to get off Elijah's lap pulling away from him slowly and stopped nosing at his cheek.

Elijah wrapped his hands around Xander's waist tightening his grip lightly so that he couldn't  pull away. "Good morning little one" he said in his usually deep baritone that was a little bit lower than usual from sleep.

Xander glanced up at him eyes still half lidded and he looked at him through his thick layered eyelashes with his cat like golden eyes. He said in a soft voice barely above a whisper "good morning Elijah" Elijah hummed softly at the greeting using one hand to gently rub up and down Xander's spine while the other one still had his waist in a firm hold.

Xanders body relaxes Instantly at the gesture wrapping his arms around Elijah's neck again this time nosing his neck the part just in between his shoulder and throat. Elijah stiffened slightly before groaning softly at the gentle caress but made no further movement letting his little one do what he wants as he continued his soft caress of his spine, from his neck to his lower back.

They spent an hour and a half like this in peaceful silence and contentment on both ends.  Xander lifted his head up slightly bringing he full cherry red lips to meet with Elijah's full but thinner lips in a soft and slow kiss the kiss started in a slow gentle lip caress and escalated into a more deeper make out session that had Xander whimpering into it pressing himself further into Elijah leaving no air between them.

Xander tightened his hold around Elijah's neck feeling himself get light headed as his vision started to blur with white dots and his lungs burned from the lack of oxygen but he didn't want to end the kiss. Elijah tightened his hold on Xander bringing the hand that wasn't holding his waist up to cup the back of his neck in a firm but gentle dominating hold causing Xander to melt into it deeper his body gone lax from the subtle gestures and the lack of oxygen.

Just as he felt himself about to black out into a blissful sleep Elijah pulled from the kiss breathing slowly while Xander was gasping for air hungrily lungfuls at a time easing the burn his lungs had been feeling from the neglect of oxygen.

Xander didn't mind the domineering gestures he actually liked it more than most would. But he didn't care, his person was the reason he was gasping for air and had given him that kiss that seems as if he wanted to imprint on his soul and he loved that. After he caught his breath and his gaze refocused his look up at Elijah with half lidded glassy eyes.

Elijah looked more than pleased with himself as he glanced down at his kiss bruised lips bringing up a thumb to press into it dragging his thumb over it with a possessive look in his eyes. Xander preened at this though his person was showing him this much attention this much care he loved it he loved anything his person did but he loved it even more when it was things like this, positive things like this.

Elijah chuckled softly seeing his precious armful in a daze and accepting his kiss so well for him. "Good job kitten, you took that so well for me and so obedient.." he said in a gentle but husky baritone that had Xander shivering at the vibration he could feel as he was straddling him.

Xander dipped his head shyly with a light blush covering his face at the praise. His person had called him good... him. He was over the moon purring softly feeling light headed and hazy from all of the dopamine he felt flooding his system. He hadn't felt this much serotonin flood his brain ever it left him feeling boneless and safe in his persons arms.

And wasn't that something he loved saying his person. He never thought he'd actually be able to have him officially even though he dubbed him his when they first met. But nonetheless he was grateful fuzzy headed and grateful. He glanced up and met his persons gaze steadily even though he laid  limp and boneless in his hold.

Elijah saw the haze in his little ones gaze and felt pleased that he could make his kitten feel so safe and secure.  He leaned down pressing a firm kiss to his forehead squeezing the back of his neck soft but firmly before releasing the hold. He was brought out of his daze when he heard his kittens soft voice "Elijah...." He glanced down lifting an eyebrow showing he was listening and to continue.

"Let's lay down in my bed?" He asked quietly pointing to his nest like bed timidly. Elijah was shocked because he knew his little one was territorial about his little makeshift nest. He had heard the other maids talking of how he got if they tried touching it moving stuff in or around it. So he was more than shocked his little baby would allow him to lay in it.

Elijah broke out of his musing noticing how his baby became timid and antsy probably thinking his silence as rejection so he shook his head softly and said "of course kitten lets lay down and take a nap?" As he slowly and gently made way into the makeshift nest gently laying his baby down before cuddling into him.

Xander was more than pleased he was ecstatic. He cuddled deeper into his person leaving no air space between them as he breathe in his scent that surrounded him comfortingly.

He slowly started to doze off he was happy with the development and the bonding him and his person had today he hoped they had many more days like this to come......


Well it's been a while I hope y'all enjoyed this fluffy chapter until next time bye bye 🥰💕💕💕💕

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