Chapter - 02

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I quietly walk through the garden I love so much, wondering if I'll ever return here. Mother said that I can visit whenever I want. But it sounded like a lie because I've never seen my mother visit her maternal home and none of my cousins ever visited either.

Father has always been a cold man. I once heard him saying…

Once wed, a lady must not return to her maternal household. Her husband is her everything and under his roof is where she shall take her final breaths.

Why's life so cruel? None of my brothers have to leave home. Why me? Why do I have to leave everything behind and marry a man more than twice my age?

Were Mother and Maria lying to make me feel better?

I swallow the questions and start reading the books my mother asked me to read to distract myself from my inner turmoil.

The days pass by a blur, yet I receive no answers.

Tonight is my last night in this room. I don't know if I'll ever return here.

I sit on the window sill, staring at the silver moon, wondering if the moon has all the answers to my questions.

I hear the door open and turn around, mother walks towards me with a smile and hugs me tightly, “I might not have a chance to do this again. So I'd like to stay tonight with you.”

“Mother…I'll miss you…,” I weep on her shoulder as I cling to her.

She rubs soothing circles on my back and holds me close, slowly leading me to the bed and helps me lay down. She pulls me close and rests my head on her chest as we lay in silence, enjoying each other's company.

“Dear, about tomorrow,” she breaks the silence abruptly, “I need to talk to you about your wedding night. I should have talked about it to you earlier,” she sighs.

“What is wrong, mother?” I ask her nervously, being clueless because of my sheltered upbringing.

“Nothing is wrong, Dear. I'm sure you'll be fine,” she pats my head, “Just listen to what I say carefully.”

I nod, paying attention to her. She keeps running her fingers through my hair for several seconds and finally speaks up, “Little flower, I only have a few words for you. Don't resist…the more you resist, the more it will hurt. Try your best to stay calm. It'll hurt at first, but you'll slowly get used to it,” she squeezes my shoulder, “Stay strong, you'll be fine.”

“Understood. I'll remember your words, Mother,” I snuggle up to her and close my eyes, relishing her embrace, for it could be the last time I'll lay in her arms this way.

The next morning I woke up from the noise of preparation. Maria approaches me as soon as I get up.

“My Lady, I'm glad you're awake. Your rose bath is ready,” she extends her hand for me to take.

She leads me to the bath, the maids gently bathe me, massaging my shoulders to help me relax.

“I hope God blesses you with all the happiness, my Lady,” Maria says tenderly as she washes my hair. I smile, enjoying her caring gestures.

After bathing me, they help me get dried and put on my clothes. Maria styles my hair, pinning the jewellery in my braid. Mother comes in and puts on the rest of the jewellery.

I can see the tears welling up in my mother and Maria's eyes. I get up and hug them both.

A servant comes in and announces the arrival of the Lord and his family. Father comes shortly after to escort me to the altar.

With a deep breath, I get up and hold his arm as he leads me to the altar.

The priest instructs me to sit beside Lord Caius. I obey and sit down, not daring to look up at him.

Through the power bestowed upon the priest, the wedding commences.

We make our vows to God and each other, exchanging wedding bands.

In the end, the wife is required to drink wine from her husband's chalice.

The priest hands him the chalice and he takes a sip. He turns towards me and rests the edge of the chalice against my lip, urging me to drink. I swallow the nervous lump in my throat and part my lips, taking a small sip.

“Through the power bestowed upon me, I now pronounce Lord Caius and Lady Raya, husband and wife,” the priest announces joyously.

The feast held afterwards was exquisite. Everyone seemed happy for us as they ate and drank in abundance. But all happy occasions come to an end.

I try my best to not cry as I bid my family farewell. I hug my little brother and mother tightly before mounting the carriage.

As the carriage starts moving, I look around, trying to memorise as much of this estate as I can. I dab away the small tear that escaped my eye and slowly turn towards Lord Caius…My Husband…

He seems as stone cold as the first day I saw him, not even sparing me a glance. The carriage sways as we head to our destination.

Once we're close, The Coachman announces our entry in the Estate. I take a deep breath and look out at the new place I'll be spending the rest of my life in.

The beautiful greenery is enchanting, I keep watching, feeling mesmerised. The vast green land is exquisite. The carriage eventually stops in front of the Atticus Residence.

Lord Caius gets off the carriage and extends his hand towards me to take it. I get off the carriage with his help.

“Welcome to your new home, my Wife,” he leads me inside and we get welcomed by all the servants working here.

He calls the head maid to help me settle in. She comes and greets me with a warm smile and starts leading me to my new chamber.

The maids help me get out of my heavy wedding attire and lead me to the warm bath.

“My Lady, Jasmine is the Lord's favourite flower. Hence we prepared a jasmine bath. Please rest easy. I'll give you a massage to get rid of the fatigue from the travel,” Head Maid Lisa says happily, she's an elderly yet joyous looking woman.

She expertly massages my joints, relieving the fatigue and helping me relax. The warm oil feels soothing against my skin.

After the bath, they dry my hair and dress me in an almost sheer white robe.

Lisa squeezes my hands reassuringly and says, “The Lord shall join you soon.”

I lay alone on the bed as I watched the moon glowing out of the window. I can't even decipher the emotions I'm feeling. I feel fear, anticipation, curiosity and what not.

As I continue thinking, I hear the door of the chamber unlock…


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