Chapter Thirty Three

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When Gabriella eventually found an appropriate parking spot we climbed out and no sooner had I looked around at the town and how quaint it was, did my sister practically begin to drag me off towards the nearest boutique.

She had always liked shopping, and I wouldn't be entirely surprised to find out that she had filled Matteo's enormous closet with her style of clothing, and left very little room for all the formal clothing that he had for all occasions. Both Salvatorini men that I knew of were very careful about what they wore and I knew that I did as well, and since getting to Liguria had started to enjoy the intricacies of how Ligurian's dressed with lots of colour, and varied designs and patterns compared to the smart casual that was often worn where I grew up in Vicenza.

Walking through the store Gabriella had dragged me into I looked around at all of the colourful dresses with several different patterns, and prices I would throw up from if I didn't run the largest casino that the Familia operated, and also if it wasn't me who was paying for some of this stuff. Gathering several that I liked, along with trousers, and ruffle blouses, which summed up the majority of what I wore on the daily.

Turning I looked around and eventually spotted Gabriella with an armful of clothing moving towards the dressing rooms to try on clothes, and I quickly rushed to the counter and paid for my things so that I could tell Gabby what worked and what didn't.

Something she'd never fully figured out with age, and even if she had, she did disregard it sometimes.

"Thank you," the teller says flashing me a smile and I nod before taking the bags and walking over to where Gabby had disappeared and took a seat on one of the box cushion benches while my sister changed.

"Gabby, I'm just outside if you want an opinion on what you've chosen," I say and her curly haired head pops up for a second over the top of the door before falling back down, making me laugh softly. She was going to be the baby of my family for years to come until I most likely had children and they would take the place of my always bubbly and smiling sister.

After a moment, the door opened, and she stood in a white knee-length dress with pink roses skewn across it as if they had been inked in water more then fabric.

"I like the colour," Gabby says, and I stared at her, then back to the dress, which wasn't at all flattering.

"No to the design," I say, and she nods, disappearing back into the dressing room.

"It is kind of hideous, isn't it?" she mutters, and I cover my mouth to hide the laugh that almost burst out. When she stepped back out in a satin pastel pink midi dress that was flowy near the bottom and white strappy heels that would bring her to my height, I nodded.

"The heels are padded so my feet won't hurt after ten minutes," she says, and I chuckle softly.

"You look lovely, that one's a keeper," I say before the process repeated and she vanished to change once more, and I wondered how she'd packed herself and aproximately two dozen outfits into a changing room booth with room to spare.

"So what have I missed out on?" Gabby asks from inside the dressing room while the sound of the metal hook of the hanger clinking against others dulled her words.

"Not much, I'm helping Alessio with the business, and I have the flexibility to go from home to work at will, so that's nice," I say.

"I've spent most of my time at the beach having my bodyguard hover over me, and Matteo be weary, I think he worried about me liking my bodyguard more then him," Gabriella says pushing the door open and stepping out in a form fitting off white dress with pinkish campbell blue's masterfully recreated into the fabric.

"That's my favourite so far," I say and she smiled brightly before looking down at it and shuffling into the changing room again to put on something new.

This continued for an hour before we left and put everything into the car, which was when I spotted a boutique, and knowing that Matteo was focused on the venue, I dragged Gabriella off towards the nearest boutique which had dresses on display in the glass window of the shop and swiftly pushed her inside to pick out a dress though looking at my sister who clearly got the looks out of all of the Valentino siblings. Domenico was considered the most handsome of he and Emmanuel, which was also why I found it funny that he was unwed same as Emmanuel though my more directly challenging brother was always going to be in need of a woman who would take no shit from him, though that was true with all mafia men, especially mine.

As we walked through the lines of dresses with their casings behind them in the wall, and both Gabriella and I began to swoon over the designs of each while a seamstress eyed us like the barely adults we were. I could tell she wanted to throw us out or was thinking that our marriages would fail because we were clearly young.

In this life, if the owner of the shop knew that the wife, and future wife of the Don and Underboss of the Familia. Most people feared Alessio, and it was a fairly common sight to see someone recognize both Alessio and Matteo and look at the least minimally terrified. It was something that Gabriella would learn one day that keeping herself with knowledge about how to use the fact she was the wife of a Mafia figurehead to her advantage.

Though I hoped she never ended up in a situation where she had too.

As we siddled through options I watched Gabby stop next to a dress on a manequin with a blank price tag. It was satin silk and clearly very well made with a plunge neckline and a beige underlayer to cover the cleavage of the wearer with a band of fabric secured it to the back of the wearer while it came down and under the arms of the manequin used to display the simple but elegant dress.

"Is that is?" I ask walking up beside her and looking at the dress that would most likely fit my sisters surprisingly slender frame despite her rather average height.

"It is," she says and the seamstress that had been watching us came over to where we were standing.

"This dress is four thousand Euros," she says looking between us, "it's made of mulberry silk, and two other types of Italian sources silks before it was made by award winning tailors," she explains and I nod.

"I'll buy it, and have it delivered to this address in Varazze," I say handing over a card with the address to my home was. She accepted the card eyeing it for a moment before looking over me and my sister which was when I heard the sound of an engine and the matte black S800 parked along the curb though the occupant never left he simply remained in the vehicle.

"Well I can organize that," she says moving towards the counter and gestured to two helpers to pack up the dress, in a three levelled green velvet box, Getting to the counter I pulled out my wallet and the total cost of the dress in cash before I watched as the woman counted through the five thousand and eventually just nodded. Thanking her we left and no sooner had Gabby gotten to her car did I turn back and start to walk towards the Brabus which hadn't moved but I could see the face of the man in the car through his mirror and gently shook my head before pulling open the passenger door and sliding in beside Alessio who was carefully cutting the end of a cigar off onto a napkin with one of his knives.

"Dress shopping go well," he asks looking up as he folded the napkin and rolled down the window tossing it into a trash can before the tinted window rolled back up and he drove off.

"Yes it did, where are you taking me?" I ask and he hummed but didn't offer an immediate response even if there was a faintly amused smile on his face.

"I'm taking you for dinner, we haven't gone out in a while," Alessio replies glancing to me and probably wondering how I could possibly smile as widely as I was in excitement.
I hope you all enjoyed this one, I was super tired today, and fairly recently as well so I apologize if this is horrible, I did try to get it to be discriptive. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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