Chapter Twelve

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As this was a monumental occasion as both the celebration of Alessio, and I's union, my purity, his ruthlessness to take a wife as his, and the culmination of all of Italy's Familia's under him as their sole Capi Dei Capi it was incredibly important, especially since Alessio was speaking with his brothers on a far side of the room, and if they were together likely meant something about the territory especially since there was various countries and regions in control of the Familia now. His sisters Amara and Victoria however, were with me and Gabriella with morning coffee and plates of Danishes.

"So Aria, please tell me my brother is being kind to you, the grumpy fuck wouldn't take a wife for eight damn years," Victoria says casting Alessio a glare that would entirely be on par with my husbands.

When he told me he and Victoria were the same, I didn't think he meant it so literally.

"He's treated me better then I imagined I would be," I reply simply and Victoria smiled, something she had more inclination, and ease to do then Alessio.

"I could tell at Luca's wedding, and your own, that the two of you were happy with each other, even if making the traditional scene was how it was meant to be displayed," Victoria says and I turned to her and then glanced to a man not so far away surveying the crowd with a coffee in his hand and the other looking like it was in his pocket, but I had a feeling it was resting on a pistol.

"What about you, and your bodyguard?" I comment and Victoria coughed politely to cover the choking sound that left her.

"What about him, and I?" she asks glancing at him.

"There's clearly something going on between the two of you, something that hasn't been told to Alessio, but don't worry I won't tell, just like I won't tell anyone that Amara's been eyeing my oldest brother all morning," I comment and Amara snapped her eyes back from over my shoulder to me.

"Your brother is handsome, and he didn't come here with anyone but your other brother," Amara says and I nodded.

"Women are allowed to speak to men in the Familia, especially since you're a Capo," I point out and Amara glances to Domenico.

"Isn't he the Consigliere to the Eastern Familia?" Amara replies and I turned to look at my brother, looking primed for social function as always. How he did it without bloodshed was a special skill, once the Emmanuel didn't inherit since his own city was kept in check quite harshly, and was also the same reason that Domenico lived in Venice.

"Yes he is, he's also the only one between my brothers that Alessio would approve you being with," I say glancing to Emmanuel who was speaking to a woman who beamed up at him whether she realized it or not. "Though, he may also be the only option between them," I add and Amara laughed softly, while I returned my gaze to Victoria and her bodyguard who I recognized as from Luca's wedding as Celine's brother, Dante Liggiare. He was known as one of the best of those who could keep the Familia's most powerful members safe, and initially Alessio had assigned a twenty-three year old Dante to be Victoria's bodyguard at eighteen when she was initiated and sent to Naples to deal with the threat down there to prove herself, and in perfect Salvatorini fashion she had done so over the last four years. Supposedly she had gotten the Camorra and other small gangs to either coexist within the Familia or submit entirely to it. Which was a major part of why Alessio remained so private in his business actions, he stayed unknown to the people of Italy, he wasn't known as the Don of the largest active Mafia in Europe, he wasn't even a known face media wise, but if it ever was leaked there would be a scandal that would turn Italy into a bloody turf war for breach of the commandments and Interpol would be coming for them.

La Cosa Nostra was incredibly powerful and had a heavy footnote in many cities and towns across the continent but so did many other gangs, and mainly the Bratva that had a large contingency in many places making the battle to rid of them in Salvatorini, and Sorenko territory nearly impossible.

"Ms. Salvatorini, it's time to leave there are duties in Naples that need to be tended too," Dante says and I could tell that he like me wasn't used to the formality of addressing people in public, though that only existed for Alessio, when I had to pretend to be subservient which both of us hated with a burning passion. Dante also seemed to dislike it and I wondered all the more if there was something else going on with the two of them.

"I'll be right out to the car, I need to speak to my brothers for a moment," she says, and Amara, soon excused herself with Gabriella to go and get some of the luncheon elements that were being offered now that it was quarter to noon.

I then began my slow movement through the crowds talking to various people until I ran into Enzo, Alessio's grandfather who smiled brightly at me.

"Arianna," he says adjusting his hearing aids, and smoothing out his grey suit while looking around then back to me.

"Enzo," I say smiling up at him which he returned in the kind of way one may have suspected a jovial grandparent to his favourite grandchild would have.

"A Don's wife, and he was clearly gentle, nothing like what Riccardo did to Ginevra," Enzo comments with a sour look crossing his face as he considered the sheets.

"Alessio has always valued his family, cruelty doesn't belong in a marriage," I reply and Enzo nodded matter-a-factly.

"And no man can truly be a man if he doesn't spend any time with his family, Alessio's fortunate in that he can spend his days with a family. My son pushed all of his away, and even my dear wife didn't recognize the man he became, something happened to him when he was growing up in the years of war here brought Riccardo to be a cruel man, he made Alessio in that image, but I think that he saw through it more then accepted what Riccardo wanted from him. He's the best Don Italy has had for a long time, he's created peace for many of the families that wared with one another for decades, uniting Italy, pushed the Bratva out of the territory, created powerful allies, and now he's married and will be able to give the family little Salvatorini's one day," Enzo says and I looked to Alessio once more, he had done all that, and even if there was still wars they were short lived and dealt with a very precise set of actions.

"He'll have the people that planned the shooting at our wedding in two months at best, and at worst by the beginning of spring this coming year," I say while Enzo nodded.

"I'm proud of him, now you should go to him," he says and I nodded to him before walking over to Alessio, and taking his hand in mine.

Squeezing my hand he glanced down to me, and pulled me closer to him so that I stood in front of him where he could wrap me in his arms.

"Yes you have permission, Victoria," Alessio says and his youngest sister smiled before becoming stony and walking away to leave back to Naples.

As Victoria slipped out of the door I caught Lino seem to curse from outside the villa before rushing inside and over to Alessio where he whispered something to my husband that made his face turn to shadow.

"What is it?" I whisper, and he turned to me with a look of contempt before considering the room.

"The Chimera just dumped the body of one of the initiates in the alley behind one of Matteo's clubs," Alessio sneers before pulling out his gun and loading it while glancing to his brothers, "let's go assess this, and discuss after," he adds before all of us left though Alessio allowed Lino to take over the party and get people to leave in a timely manner whilst the four Salvatorini brothers, and I left the villa.
It's shorter we can burn me at a stake later, the majority of the previous ones are all over two thousand words so I say I'm allowed a shorter chapter, its also my second today, comment, vote, and share. Also thoughts on what happens are always welcome those are interesting conversations. Anyways


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