Chapter Twenty-Six

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Alessio hadn't stopped with the plans for combating the Chimera and neither had Matteo stopped for a moment from either assisting his brother or planning his own wedding which he told Gabriella he wanted to do as his first gift to her.

I was still entrapped in work, and the need to organize every aspect of the casino so that it ran smoothly and could make the Familia more money. It also wasn't exactly hard work, it just required my constant attention, and if this was how I felt I wouldn't even want to imagine what Alessio and Matteo dealt with daily as the Don and Consigliere.

Sitting in my office while the casino was in full swing I stared at the reports about earnings and hummed at the consistent average of income to the Casino even if the profit margin was less then five percent after paying staff, supplies, and all the other expenses of owning this kind of business.

Not long after a knock came from my door and I looked up to see Rocco looking a bit off put which was rare to see since he often looked completely calm with every little thing that was said or done to him.

"Yes Rocco?" I say semi worried about what that look was for.

"Chimera have been spotted grey SUV, we think they're coming for the casino, the don has been informed along with the Underboss, they're on their way," he says right before I heard the distinct popping of gunshots.

"Motherfucker," I mutter looking out to see a dozen or so men enter the building with guns. "Get everyone out, all made members are too stay and kill them. Get the police calls intercepted, I'm not bringing that to this club," I instruct pulling my gun and making my way through the hallways while I heard the gunshots near, though I was thankful that the entire casino was easy to evacuate, and that I knew who my own staff were.

Getting to the bottom of the steps I soon noticed the made members of my staff tipping over tables and firing over them at the Chimera while I ran through the casino with Carmilla following after me with her own gun.

"Mrs. Salvatorini, I should get you out of here," she says dropping down beside me as I peeked over and shot at one of the Chimera trying to sneak around the side of the chaos and getting him to fall to the ground with an audible scream.

"And this is my casino, and these are my staff, I'd rather fight beside them then run," I say dropping back down and pulling the second magazine from my sock and so that once I was empty I could reload quickly.

Carmilla then fell in where I had dropped and was firing in succession before I came back up and spotted two of the Chimera soldiers going along the tables and checking for people hiding.

"Give me a knife," I say and she stared back at me.


"Just do it," I insist and she does before sneaking along the low section of the tables before running across the carpeted hall and sliding across the top of one of the tables shooting each of the soldiers and slitting the throat of one while I put a bullet into the others head. My adrenaline pounding in my ears, and the hyper alert feeling as my heart pounded to keep me in survival mode while shooting at members of the Chimera which all seemed oddly unskilled in comparison to the expansion hardened members of the Familia who were taking them out quickly even if they had been skilled most of the made members in the Familia had helped Alessio become the single most powerful Cosa Nostra member in history.

Then I heard the back door burst open and more members of the Chimera came in a group of which I fired on without thinking and managing to take out five before the others realized where the fire came from and I became focused on I then ducked down before I got hit and reloaded. It was an organized attack I'd give them all that but I wasn't about to be shot and killed in my own casino.

The roar of an engine echoed from outside and I looked up just in time to see Alessio and Matteo enter with guns in each hand and begin to simply walk through the casino shooting down the pinned down Chimera members before a second gun slid across the floor to me and I glanced up only to see Alessio giving me cover fire while I picked up the gun and started to fire back at the Chimera who had gotten a few bullets through the table just not close to me, and began with my husband to shoot them all dead.

Not the kind of marriage activities that were normal.

Eventually the room was silent and it was filled with dead Chimera and only a few injured Familia made members. The smell of smokeless powder filling the air and permeating the fabric of my clothing, I smelled like blood, and gunshots, my perfume drowned in the heady scent.

"Is anyone badly injured," Alessio calls across the room, while looking around to see the staff of the casino stand and look to each other.

"Seems everyone is okay," Matteo says putting his guns back where he typically stored them and looking around while Alessio looked like he wanted to walk to Crete and gut Massimo Riggerio in his own home.

"I want to know if anyone of them is still alive, if they are they all go to the crimson hall. I'll question them myself," he states before looking to me, uninjured, and not even a little distressed. Personally I couldn't believe I'd had no reaction other then fight back to survive, and in the aftermath I had no response emotionally.

"You did excellent Arianna," he whispers putting his own guns back and taking back the one he'd slid to me.

"Thank you, what happens with the casino, I'll need an entire construction outfit to fix this place," I mutter looking around at the damaged tables and machines, the gunshot holes in the walls, the shattered glasses, and blood soaked carpets.

"Yes, but the Familia has the money to repair this," Alessio says and I nod slowly.

"I'll have to shut it down for about two weeks to get this all done, so I'll help Matteo with planning the wedding, he'll need it," I say looking to where Matteo was checking with all of those present.

"Yes he probably will, the fuckers been getting on my nerves with his anxiety. You might be able to help him," Alessio says annoyance at additional emotion not an uncommon thing from him. He wasn't the greatest with emotions but I could deal with that at any point because he was different with me.

"Don't kill you brother, my sister deserves happiness and so does your brother," I say looking up at him and meeting his eyes, the last part of my sentence not needing to be said because he would always understand it.

"I know," he says before a shout interrupted us.

"I found a few still alive," a soldier calls and Alessio's expression soured.

"Get him to the hall, I'll meet you there, Matteo come with me," my husband calls already back to being the Don of the Familia, a role I knew he'd never escape even if I wished he wouldn't be taxed by it all the time in all metrics of life.

"Mrs. Salvatorini, I should take you home now," Carmilla says and I nod stiffly before looking over the wreckage once more as I followed her towards the awaiting car parked with Matteo and Alessio's still running vehicles in front of it as I got in.

Buckling my seat I attempted to relax though I knew today would likely not be as pleasant as I hoped it would be.

Darkness will always fall over this city.

The car moved away from the curb and I watched Alessio climb into his car, emotion gone, and I mentally reminded myself to pull out the stuff to clean blood from clothing once I got home.
Sorry that this took forever. Girlfriend and I broke up yesterday, and I have been really into a side book comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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