Chapter Thirty-Two

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When Gabriella and I left the gates of Matteo's villa I look around at the interior of the car. Alessio who preferred matte black paint and russet leather interiors was what I'd somewhat expected from a man that came home once a month with blood soaked into half his clothing. Matteo's by similarity was a toned down version with metallic gunmetal grey paint, black accented everything, and a deep caramel secondary toned interior.

This level of luxury wasn't particularly expressed in the rest of Italy, it was mostly the Salvatorini  Family which the media still to this day called one of the wealthiest families in Italy. Even Gabriella who was about as simple for what she enjoyed as one could possibly be seemed like she was going to burst in excitement at the luxuriousness of the car we both sat in and danced poorly to the music playing through it all while Matteo and Alessio were likely planning how to kill Massimo and his entire council of close Underbosses if that's even what they called themselves. It wasn't what I'd expected from a marriage, not the amount of blood, and death that had come from the past five months.

I thought about it when I saw my sister. I knew that Alessio looked at me and saw someone too kind for this world but but my sister wasn't cut out for a world where people were shot, tortured, and made to watch their families killed. People loved to glamourize the mob and yet I have watched thousands die in the past half a year and know that the Salvatorini Familia had killed tens of thousands during Alessio's reign, and probably a hundred thousand over it's history. The truth of all of it was that I was capable of murder, and because of that I was suited to being with the Don of the Familia who was more then capable of doing what I'd done with full focus in his sleep, and that was true for Matteo as well. Gabriella had never held a gun, wasn't even able to see one during her youth, and now that she lived in the home of the Salvatorini Familia's Consigliere and top Underboss she'd likely watched Matteo strap more then one to his person each day.

"You look worried, enjoy this," Gabriella says taking her hands off the steering wheel and raising them above her head into the wind passing above us while I reached over and kept us going straight along the road while my sister seemed to be in bliss feeling the breeze that was intesified by the sixty kilometers an hour we were doing.

"I'm part of the Familia, and as Alessio's wife, I don't get much to enjoy when away from home," I say before realizing how miserable I made my marriage seem when it was simply a misplaced start due to external factors.

"Have you been initiated?" Gabriella asks giving me a side eyed glance and returning her hands to the wheel while I looked away at the coastline, and the dense wooded patches of decorative junipers, and pines.

"I could be, but if I asked, Alessio would probably say no, since it would mean I was in the Familia and had to swear omerta to both him and never have an out, I'd be more of a viable target and no longer simply a woman externalized from the direct conflict happening between the Chimera and the Familia," I say turning back to look at my sister.

"You know with all the stories that we were told about him, he's nothing like that with you. People always say that he kills without mercy and his morals are entirely based on the traditions of Sicily and the Omerta that bound him and the Familia as one. You weren't raped on your wedding night, you and he seemed to hate anything that involved publicity within the Familia. He respects you and I see it in your eyes whenever you and Alessio look at each other, you love each other actually love each other, and hold the kind of connection that few people ever got in the Mafia. Matteo and I are still getting ours sorted out given his playboy ways," Gabriella says taking carefully thought out glances from the road to me.

"Alessio was a playboy before me too, so you're not the only one who's gotten the not so simple task of taming a mafia boss," I say with a wry smile knowing that my sister based on the patch of near perfect applied makeup to her neck, had likely already had some form of sex with Matteo.

"That doesn't seem like the most unflawed state to be in before marriage," Gabriella says and I nod slowly.

"Alessio hasn't had the time during his rise to power as Europe's most powerful Don to be a player, and Matteo fell from you from the get go, no man is sleeping with another woman with just one girl on his mind," I assure and she seemed to lighten.

"I also overheard that Alessio would kill Matteo if he played with your emotions," I say remembering that one line through the wooden door of Alessio's office as I walked away to explore his home.

"I think I'm just worried because of the wedding coming up in less then a month and there's so much going on with a traitor, and what feels like a coming war," she says and the difference between her and I for a reaction was more then evident, I'd hold a gun along side every other member of the Familia if the Chimera opened war, and I'd do it happily beside Alessio and Matteo, like I'd done in the Casino. Gabriella hadn't been through any of that, or even what I had when I was eleven. I feared Alessio in his office because of what I remembered in fractured pictures, him killing an entire warehouse of Bratva members with ease is a different kind of scary after watching a single Bratva member handle the kidnapping of me killing five Valentino made men in the process, if one was equal to five, Alessio had been worth two hundred that day, and then there was the burning of that abandoned town. My husband was a killer and an arsonist even back then, making all the stories only too real.

Gabby wouldn't have those experiences, I'd sacrifice anything for my sister, and my brothers, just as I knew Matteo would so the same for his family, and my sister for the rest of their lives.

At least I knew he would from honour or fear of repercussion.

"What do you think is going to happen if a war begins?" Gabby asks and I shrug, not wanting to think about something so gloomy when with my sister.

"Let's not worry about that, we can just enjoy ourselves," I say flashing her a smile as we entered Santa Margherita.

"Okay, then I'm dragging you shopping," she says and did an amusing shuffling dance with her upper body, making me laugh and lose any wish to deny the menial task of shopping if it meant that I got to see my younger sister laugh and forget about the world we lived in.
I hope you all enjoy, I know it was shorter, but I wanted to break up some of the more strict and straight forwards events with some normality. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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