Chapter Twenty

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The following day, as I came home I noticed the large amount of gardeners that were pruning the flowers around the property all while the Mercedes Aria used to get around was parked in front of the main steps while I parked my own Brabus behind the car before turning off the engine and climbed from the vehicle.

Locking the vehicle I climbed the steps and stepped through the door no more then three seconds before Aria rounded the corner and opened her arms to hug me.

"I'm glad you're home," she says and I smiled softly at her before wrapping my arms around her waist before lifting her up into my arms, and kissing her gently.

"I'm glad to be home," I reply admiring the woman I held even as I set her down and not long after caught the smell of seasoned meat, and buttery potatoes.

"You're cooking dinner," I muse and she nodded before pulling me towards the kitchen which I willingly followed her to the twin island room with just a single set of lights around the edges of the cabinets to light up the room. Various herbs rested on the counter as Aria pan seared two steaks, while a pot of pasta sat nearby, already strained.

"I am, I wanted to add meat to your diet of pasta, and scotch," she says and I laughed before looking down to my hand which she'd yet to look at. The tattoo I'd planned for her inked into my skin, and red around the edges while the faint burning snaked up my arm, I'd had Giovanni and the associate he knew do my entire tattoo over the course of the day which I was saved by the fact I wrote with my right arm and not my left. The rose led up to my arm which faded between designs, all while the center of my forearm had the promise Aria had said to me written on it. Ego Lux In Omnibus Tuis Tenebris Momenta.

"I appreciate that. But you should turn around," I say while shrugging off my jacket, and setting it on the counter while she turned to watch me begin to unbutton my shirt.

"I'm making you dinner, sex will have to wait until later," she points out but the smile on her lips told me that later was an undetermined timeline that ranged from this exact second to fifteen minutes from now.

"I'd be teasing every sensitive inch of your perfect body by now if I intended to have sex with you in the kitchen," I reply enjoying the ghost of a blush that rose onto her face, before I pulled my arm out of the sleeve and revealled the tattoo that was covered by wrap.

"Did you get this all in a day?" she asks looking over the whole tattoo before looking to the writing and then back up to me. "Are those my words to you?".

"Of course they are. You're important to me, and a vow and a ring might be just words and an item, now you're inked into me," I reply as she continued to admire the artistic imagery, of the rose, columns, clouds, a falling angel, the date of my appointment to Don hidden as part of the villa styled to look like an ancient temple in Rome, while the rose stem wove through the picture on my arm.

"Parts of the Familia, and your actual family, images of falling, and darkness. Is that why my words are on your skin?" Aria asks leaning against the counter, returning to moving the steaks around the pan while waiting for my answer.

"Because all of my darkness never comes to touch me with you around Aria, you're my light in the darkness, and now I will never be able to not be reminded of that," I reply watching her take the steaks off and cut them before stirring them into the pasta with a the sauce added to it.

"Of course you won't, now mind helping me take this to the dining room," she says and I nod picking up plates and helping her to make portions out of what we didn't take before walking towards the dining room just further down the main hallway in the house until we got to the large room dedicated mostly to the large banquet table, and numerous chairs, that no one but the very closest of my family and underbosses had ever sat in.

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