Chapter Eighteen

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Getting onto the main floor I was met with a man slightly taller then myself dressed in business casual and looking like he wanted nothing more then to be not talking to me. Though I had a feeling he didn't want to be talking to anyone here unless he absolutely had to talk to us.

Probably was looking forwards to making money here, and leaving with a major payday.

Slowing near him with Carmilla not far behind me I watched Rocco take on the task of introducing me to this man who was staring down his nose at all of us.

"Luragio this is the Casino Manager, Arianna, I'm the Floor Supervisor. You wanted to talk with her," Rocco say gesturing to me and the man nodded slowly focusing on me as if he didn't much want to though there was some shock in his eyes as he looked at me.

"You're new, I hadn't expected someone so young," Luragio says and I plastered on a small tight lipped smile.

"Yes, well sometimes things happen, and the need for a replacement comes up. I wanted this position so I got it," I reply and he seemed satisfied with the answer.

"Tell me about this casino, I come here often to gamble in the VIP area, but why was this casino the one you picked. Other then it's glamour," Luragio says looking around slowly, something I was beginning to question considering he seemed so uptight, wanted to lazily look at everything was either a confidence thing, or a test of approval.

"I could ask you the same question. You said you gamble here often, so something has to have been important to you that brought you in. Though I'd guess part of your money made this place how it is," I say looking to the many dozens of sectioned machines within the confines of the casino.

"I like the high risk aspect of gambling, here I get to do it without the worry of being seen as a gambler," Luragio replies with a smile that seemed stretched and somewhat too friendly considering the way he had been looking around.

"Fair point, I'll let you go enjoy yourself," I say stepping aside to let him past before turning back to Rocco while Luragio strode off towards the bouncer guarded curtain gate up to the VIP area.

"I want someone to keep an eye on him, he seemed to casual despite his demeanor," I say and Rocco nodded looking from Luragio to me.

"You noticed that too. He's not normally like that. I'll get one of the guards to keep him in view," he says pulling out his phone and walking off. Taking the spare time I walked through the casino slowly watching the various games that were going on and I began to mark certain people down mentally to be watched since they were having particularly successful win streaks.

I knew that anyone who cheated in a casino owned by the Familia would have to pay with their life, however I wanted to know how they did it so that dealers, and bouncers alike could catch the behaviour.

Once I completed my round through the room I returned to my office and used the features of my office to frost the glass of my door so that I could have privacy while working.

The general floor was making a typical two hundred per game and there was two hundred available, while the high stakes made ten times that for all of fifty games. The Casino's in Italy made seven point five billion in revenue, and this single Casino for the Genoa area made almost a billion a year. The others that the mob owned were in the northern area of Italy, and the rest were underground operations making tens of millions per year but not much more.

I didn't realize that Alessio had wanted me to run his main casino until I looked at the numbers, operating costs took care of most of the money made but that was the price for having hundreds of staff that were paid more then average.

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