i love you, forever.

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🎧- love on the brain – rihanna.

"Fuck sake, I'm so bad at this, why can't I be the singer?" Amelia whined, re-positioning the guitar sitting in her lap, everyone obviously had the next few weeks off school, so Spider thought it was a great idea to start his band up again, this time with Amelia.

"You can, but I want to teach you guitar." Spider said, Amelia was sat in his lap, holding the guitar while Spider had his hands over hers, showing her how to play. Amelia sighed and continued playing, the sound coming out of the guitar was awful.

"Just- your fingers have to be in the middle, here, like this, now go." Spider instructed, Amelia stummed the guitar and her face lit up, excited that she had actually hit a note that sounded good, Spider and Amelia laughed and cheered.

"Okay, that's enough practice for today." Amelia said, standing up and putting the guitar away in Spider's room.

"But-" Spider started, but quickly was cut off by Amelia's lips over his, she straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, Spider grabbed her hips, pulling her closer.

Amelia kissed down the side of Spider's neck making him groan and throw his head back, Amelia giggled as he picked her up, walking them over to his bed and gently placing her down, now it was Spider's turn to kiss her neck, Amelia laughed at how ticklish she was.

She screamed out when Spider tickled her side, she kicked her legs accidentally kicking Spider in the balls, making him roll over and groan in pain, Amelia gasped and sat up, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Omg! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Amelia asked, she couldn't help but laugh at Spider scrunched up face, Spider held a thumbs up to her and nodded her head, which caused Amelia to laugh more. "I mean, that will teach you not to tickle me."

"Are you going to keep this?" Amelia stood up from his bed, walking around the room, she picked up one of Spider's cumlords t-shirts, holding it up and looking at it. Spider looked over at her, looking at the shirt, shaking his head.

Amelia smiled and walked to Spider's desk, grabbing out a marker, crossing out the word 'lords' instead writing the word 'sluts' above it, the picked it back up and showed Spider, making him laugh.

"Cumsluts, I like that way better." Amelia joked, she took off her own shirt and put the new one on, spinning around, showing Spider.

"You look good with my shirt." Spider said, coming to sit on the end of his bed.

"What can I say, I just love having you're face pinned on me." Amelia joked, raising one eyebrow, "Should I wear it tonight?" Amelia asked, there was a party down at the beach that all the year 11s were invited to.

"Yes, definitely, speaking of, we should get ready." Spider said standing up and grabbing his clothed from his wardrobe. "You're not getting away with that comment though, I'll get you for it later."

"I'm looking forward to it." Amelia hummed, hugging Spider from behind.


Amelia and Spider walked down to the group of people on the beach, seeing Ant and Harper standing next to the fire, they both walked over to each other, smiling at one another. Missy ran over and practically tackled Amelia to the ground, giving her a big hug, Amelia laughed as Missy pulled her away to the water.

"I've been waiting to go swimming for so long, quick, strip. Does your shirt say Cumsluts?" Missy said, doing a double take at Amelia's shirt.

"Yeah, smart huh." Amelia laughed as she took it off, then her shorts, standing in her bikini, she ran into the water, Missy following her.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now