iconic motherfuckers.

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🎧- dancing on my own – robyn

It had been a few days since school camp, Amelia was told by Darren that Quinni was okay and she was at home resting, but Amelia still felt a weight on her shoulders, she had felt sad all the time, seeing that happen to Quinni shocked her.

But it wasn't just the snake bite that had shocked her, she was constantly going through the fight she had with Spider in her head, she knew it was a bad idea from the start to be talking to him while she was high, but she had missed him so much.

But now, he wouldn't even look at her, it felt like how things were after the festival, and Amelia hated it, this time she was even more heartbroken since all she wanted to do was go to him, but she kept a smile on her face, knowing the school wouldn't like their school captain to be moping around.

Amelia was currently standing with Malakai, who was doing all the moping for the both of them, and they were hosting a raffle to raise money for their campaign, Amelia had made ten hampers full of chocolate for students to win, they had to buy raffle tickets, and she was hitting it off.

"I really don't know what I did, Mia, I feel so bad." Malakai said, looking over at Rowan who was sitting alone, Amelia looked at Malakai and then to Rowan.

"God, just go talk to him, I don't understand why guys find it so scary to communicate." Amelia said, laughing and nudging Malakai's arm.

"Because its scary being vulnerable, plus it's the way we have been raised." Malakai told her, Amelia nodded, passing a few raffle tickets to a younger student, and putting the money in her tin.

"Babe, the world will keep spinning whether or not you go talk to him, but please, put me out of my misery." Amelia told him, laughing again Malakai laughed a little to and then eventually sighed and walked off to talk to Rowan.

Amelia watched the two as they spoke, she frowned as she saw it wasn't going well, Malakai and Rowan were only together for like a day, but she knew Malakai really liked him so she was hoping they could work things out. Suddenly the bell went, and Amelia had to pack up her raffle things by herself.

"Hey, do you need a hand?" Amerie asked Amelia, she looked at her for a second, then nodded, Amelia had realised over the past couple days the Amerie had done nothing wrong to Amelia, her and Spider didn't even hook up.

Amerie helped Amelia load her hampers into the boot of her car, Amelia had her stall set up right at the front car park so everyone would see her, she also had her car parked next to her stall, so she didn't have to do millions of trips just to set up.

"Amelia, I think I owe you an apology." Amerie started; Amelia looked over at her.

"No, Ams, I owe you one, I had a go at you before I knew the full story, and I'm so sorry for that." Amelia confessed; she had felt terrible for being so mean to Amerie when she had so much going on.

"But I should have told you, but then Spider came and told me not to-" Amerie started, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows and held up her hand, stopping Amerie.

"Sorry, he what?" Amelia asked, looking at Amerie with a confused face.

"He told me not to tell you about it, I thought you and Spider would have had a conversation about this?" Amerie told her, Amelia looked past her, thinking about everything. 

"Yeah, we will have the conversation." Amelia said, nodding and looking over at Spider, she was filled with anger, how could Spider not have told her about the rumour, even worst, told everyone to keep it from Amelia.

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