did we just get abandoned in the bush?

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🎧- lights up – harry styles

Amelia was sitting against a rock, looking through her bag to find thing's the group could share, Spider was standing over her, Amelia passed him a bottle of water and a box of tampons.

"That's all I have." She said, ignoring the snacks at the bottom of her bag, she knew she didn't want to share those, Spider nodded and walked over to the small pile of things he had collected.

"All righty! So, we have got, six water bottles, nine tampons, a chapstick, a lighter that if you rub it, the chick bikini comes off, um some muesli bars, and, well at least someone had a good time last night. Was it you?" Spider announced, Amelia stood up and ignored Zoe and Spider's arguing.

She pulled out her phone, trying to get some sort of signal, with no luck she sighed and walked over to Missy and Sasha, standing against the rock with Missy.

"Okay, we need to organise ourselves, I would like to nominate myself as the leader." Sasha called out, Amelia laughed, that was such a Sasha thing to do.

"Dream on." Spider snickered, Amelia looked over at him, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You have a better idea?" Sasha said back, playing with something in her hands.

"Yeah, I do actually, thanks dildo juice, who votes that we tie Amerie to a tree, and we follow me back to camp." Spider asked, Amelia put her hand up but them Missy pulled it back down.

"Well, who wants to follow Sasha and me? I have a deadly sense of direction, and Sasha secretly packed a bag of Maltesers." Missy said, Amelia raised her hand again, nodding with Missy and Sasha.

"Or hands up if you want to follow me?" Amerie said, everyone put their hands down, Quinni and Amerie were the only two with their hands up, Amelia laughed to herself.

"Great, there its settled, Amerie sucks, and we're going this way." Spider replied, stepping down from the rock, a few people following him. Amerie, Missy, and Sasha reluctantly started packing their things.

"That's the wrong way guys. Guys!" Missy yelled out, and then sighed when everyone followed Spider anyway, Amelia started walking, catching up with Ant.

"God my feet are fucking sore from running barefoot yesterday." Amelia complained, remembering how she was running over rocks when Jojo caught them all in the same dorm, plus, she was not really wearing suitable shoes for hiking, since she didn't know they were going to be left stranded in the bush.

"Suck it up." Ant said, Amelia was taken back by his attitude, she looked over at him with furrowed eyebrows, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Um, no, I just don't think you really listen in class," Amelia told him, frowning up at him. "What makes you ask that?"

"Everyone seems to think I'm dumb." Ant mumbled, Amelia nodded at him, understanding where he was coming from.

"I'm not going to lie to you, you're definitely not a genius, but that doesn't mean you aren't good at other things, like sport, you're great at that." Amelia told him, Ant nodded and smiled at her. Amelia looked behind her, seeing Malakai and Rowan walking together.

"How are your feet?" Rowan asked, Amelia slowed down her walking so she was next to them, Ant sped up and walked with Spider.

"Really sore actually, these shoes don't help." Amelia told them, looking down to her feet, Malakai laughed and picked her up, putting her on his shoulders, Amelia screamed and laughed, clinging to Malakai's head.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now