no more secrets.

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🎧 – norman fucking rockwell – lana del rey

Amelia was sitting on a table, Missy was on the ground in between her legs, it was time for the class to put their papers saying our likes, wants and desires in the box, Amelia walked over and slipped hers in, turning to go and sit back down, playing with Missy's hair.

"So, remember peeps, this isn't a guessing game, it's an exercise in normalising our what? Wants and needs." Jojo said, pulling everyone's attention to her, "That's right, I don't want to hear any shaming. Am I clear? Alright whose first, Harper?" Harper stood up and walked to the front of the room, opening the box, and pulling out a slip of paper, reading it to the class.

"I have to know the person properly, before I have sex with them." Harper read, placing the piece of paper next to the box, next up was Sasha, doing the same thing.

"I can only cum to house music." She read, laughing a little to herself.

"That's Ant." Spider called out, bursting out laughing, Amelia turned and watched them, a grimace on her face.

"Yeah, so what if it is?" Ant replied, waving his hands in the air, Amelia turned back around, listening to Amerie read out another that just said 'foot', Missy then got up and pulled out a piece of paper, reading it out.

"Spider finally fulfilled his dreams and fucked Amelia, and Harper likes getting double dicked by Dusty and Malakai. Who the fuck wrote this." Missy read, Amelia's face dropped, and she looked to Spider, already catching him looking at her with a sorry expression.

"You fucked my sister!" Ant yelled at Spider, the whole class was quiet, Amelia's ears were ringing, looking around at the class.

"Yo, didn't you say you wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole?" Dusty said, Amelia felt her stomach drop, she turned and looked away from Spider, Jojo was yelling for everyone to calm down, but Amelia was ignoring everything.

"You fucking slut!" Amerie yelled at Harper, Spider suddenly burst out laughing, Malakai got up and ran at him, Ant doing the same, Dusty getting up and pulling them all apart.

"Okay, that's enough, you four, out of my class, you three girls, with me, everyone else you can have an early lunch." Jojo yelled, Amelia picking up her bag, walking to Jojo's office, not saying a word.

Amelia felt betrayed by Spider, she didn't care about Ant finding out, she was hurt about what he had said about her, hurt that he could be so kind towards her, but then trash her name when she wasn't around, Amelia felt like she couldn't trust anyone, who had written that?

"Amelia, can you wait out here for a second while I talk to Amerie and Harper." Amelia nodded her head, sitting down on the steps, Spider, Ant, Malakai, and Dusty coming around the corner, Amelia looked up at them all, Spider looked at Amelia sadly, Ant and Malakai looked angry.

Malakai went and sat next to Amelia, not wanting to sit with the other three, Amelia was thankful. Dusty sat down between Spider and Ant, making sure they didn't start fighting in the hallway.

Spider didn't know if he should say something to Amelia, he desperately wanted to explain himself, but he wanted to do it alone, without people around, he just looked over at her, noticing how sad she looked. Amelia looked up and watched Amerie walk out of the office, Harper leaving shortly after.

"Miss, I'm not really sure why I'm here." Dusty said, looking over to Jojo as she poked out of her office.

"Yeah, I'm not 16 Dusty, you've all got detention for the next week, not you Amelia, come into my office please." Jojo said, Amelia got up grabbing her bag and walking into her office. The four boys leaving and going out to lunch.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now