fucking second place.

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🎧- cuff it – beyoncé

Amelia was at school the next day, standing with the captains and their vice captains, waiting to find out who had won the most money yesterday, she had her fingers crossed behind her back, standing next to Malakai as Woodsy started announcing.

"So, the moment you have all been waiting for, this generous check was given to Spencer White! Congratulations Spencer." Amelia sighed and clapped her hands, Woodsy passing Spider the very large check. "The runner up is Amelia Vaughn, following closely in second, though it might not look like it."

Amelia smiled and walked over, shaking Woodsy's hand, taking the check and seeing she had won $1100, she went and stood with Spider, listening to Woodsy tell them Sasha had won $500 and Amerie didn't win anything. Amelia stood with Spider, Sasha, and Amerie, smiling for a photo.

"Don't worry ladies, I'll get you a bunch of cutom cumlord's t-shirts made, everyone gets one, even the losing teams." Spider told them, Amelia rolled her eyes playfully and nudged his shoulder, when the photo was finished Amelia walked over to Malakai, celebrating with him.

"So, when are you going to deliver on our bet?" Spider asked, walking over to Amelia, Malakai excused himself and left the two alone.

"Get fucked." Amelia said, tilting her head and smiling at him.

"Name a time and a place." Spider replied, Amelia blushed a little, maintaining eye contact.

"In your dreams, again." Amelia joked, laughing at Spider, who smirked and shook his head.

"Alright, I'll see you there." Spider added, Amelia huffed and walked away, going to stand with Missy, who was standing with Sasha. Amelia saw Woodsy walk in, Cash following closely behind him, Amelia smiled and nudged Missy to watch.

Amelia's heart warmed as Darren ran over and kissed Cash, but her face quickly dropped as she saw Voss walk over with an angry face.

"Alright, who did it? Who did it!" He yelled, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, he explained what had happened, someone had dug up all the slips of paper in the feeling pit, putting them on display for the whole school to see.

Missy grabbed Amelia's hand and pulled her to it, they started jogging with the rest of the school, when the two girls got there, they were laughing at some of the things written.

"I'm sexually attracted to Bluey's mum, that's actually insane." Amelia read, she laughed with Missy and Sasha. Amelia read one that said, 'I don't belong here.' And then saw Malakai reach forward and pull it down, scrunching it up in his hands.

"Betrayed by my dick, actual lol." Sasha read out another, Amelia saw Spider walking over with an angry look on his face.

"I bet it was you and the sluts? No this is a dog move, even for you." Spider yelled at Sasha, Amelia widened her eyes and looked back to the pit, seeing a photo frame sitting on the side in the dirt, she walked over to it and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're the ones dumb enough to put your secrets in public accessible spots," Missy argued back, Amelia picked up the frame and saw a photo of Amerie, holding one of the pieces of paper, it wasn't from today, so that meant she could have done it.

"Spider, look at this." Amelia called out, Spider walked over to her, standing behind her, he looked at the photo and took it from her hands, Amelia turned and looked at him with a sad look, she didn't like the idea of the feelings pit, but they still didn't deserve this.

"Surprise, surprise. Look who's responsible." Spider called out, showing the crowd the photo of Amerie, the crowd all turned around and looked at her, Amelia saw her shaking her head quickly, she stepped back down, standing with Missy, watching everything.

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