not all spiders are venomous.

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🎧 – malibu – kim petras

Spider, Ant, Dusty, Amelia, Harper, Missy, and Sasha all stood in line to enter the slay ball, Amelia stood, arms linked with Missy, they were playing with Ant's light up jacket, then Harper and Dusty showed up, standing in line with them. Amelia dropped Missy's arm and turned to talk to Harper, Dusty and Spider as Amerie walked up to the line with Malakai, Darren, Quinni and Cash.

"Nice shoes," Harper said, looking down to Amerie's feet.

"Thanks, they're the only thing of yours I didn't burn." Amerie said, giving her a sort of death stare, Amelia just waved a Malakai, not wanting to get involved with the two girls.

"Oh, look at you." Dusty said, opening Malakai's shirt.

"Acting like you never seen a blackfulla before hey?"  Malakai replied, giving Dusty a handshake and dancing on the spot, Malakai noticed Spider staring down at him. "Go on then, take a picture, I'm a lovely ting aren't i? don't go protecting your shit cause you feel inadequate."

"Inadequate? Nice, big word for a little bloke." Spider argued back, Sasha came walking past, Amelia stepped back to get out of her way, a pair of hands on her waist stopping her from stumbling, she turned to see it was Spider, sending a kind smile to him, which he returned.

Eventually the gate opened, and they started letting people in, Amelia put her hands on Harpers shoulders, following behind her, when they entered the venue, Missy and Sasha pulled her into the bathrooms and into a stall.

"Do you want a bump?" Missy whispered, pulling out a little bag of white powder, Amelia thought about it for a moment, she had never done hard drugs before, only ever smoking weed. "You can just have a little to start, I'll take care of you."

Missy's words persuaded her, so Amelia nodded her head and laughed, Amelia took a bump and waited for the other two to finish, when Quinni called out for Sasha, who opened the door to see her, Amelia left with Missy, going out to dance.

The girls found Ant and Malakai bouncing to the music, Missy and Amelia held on to each other's arms, dancing together shaking their hips, the same way Missy taught Amelia in PE. That's when Spider came over and saw her dancing, he squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw, realising her brother was right there and he couldn't stare at her.

He passed a bottle of water to Ant, who took it from him, drinking heaps of it down quickly, Missy let go of Amelia and went to talk to Malakai, so Amelia turned to Ant and Spider, dancing with them. Spider kept watching her dance, looking away every now and then so Ant didn't notice.

Everyone started to make their way over to the stage, Amelia grabbed Missy and they walked together, she couldn't see over Spider, so she squeezed past him and stood in front of him, she was driving him mad and she didn't even know it.

"Ladies and Gentel-thems, welcome to the Slay ball!" the lady on stage yelled, making everyone cheer and jump around. "If you're a baddie, with a body, beyond the binary, then make your way to the stage and show us what we want to see. Next category; Virgin Vouge, bring it in an all-white look, DJ, pump the beat."

Suddenly Darren walked out, everyone from the school screamed so loud, excited for Darren getting on stage, they started dancing to the music, hitting every beat perfectly, Amelia, jumped and cheered, also dancing to the music with Missy.

The music stopped and the judges scored Darren, getting three tens but the fourth judge didn't vote, because they didn't have all white on, some of them yelled out, saying its 'bullshit' and that Darren should have gotten all 10s.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now