i love you, it's killing me.

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🎧 – good 4 u – olivia rodrigo

Amelia, Missy, and Dusty sat together in the gym, watching the basketball game start, Woodsy leaving the court as the players ran on, Amelia sighed as Spider ran on the court cheering, looking as happy as ever.

Amelia noticed Malakai looked as bad as she did, he wasn't cheering, he didn't seem excited at all, looking like he would rather be anywhere else, just the same as Amelia. She watched as he got the ball, he stopped and looked around the crowd, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, just as he the ball got taken from him by an opposing player.

Amelia zoned out for the rest of the game, barely showing any interest, which was very out of character, she loved sports, growing up with a brother that was obsessed with playing all types, she would be forced to join in, eventually growing to love it, she would go to all of Ant's games and play sports with him in the backyard.

But today felt different, Amelia's recent heartbreak making her want to hide away and cry for the whole day, you could see it just looking at her, she had bags under her eyes, her clothes were bland and not the usual colourful items she wore.

Spider had noticed this, he had tried to reach out to her, but she was never around, he would look for her all day, asking her friends where she was, but no one knew, Spider thought today was the day, he would catch her after the game and explain himself.

Spider was full of self-loathing, hating himself for speaking without thinking, not realising he had lost the one girl who had made him happy, and seeing her so down made everything worse, the car rides home, sitting in sluts and not seeing her laugh at the dumb things people said, walking past the old stairwell together, missing the moments they shared.

The buzzer rang and Spider was pulled from his thoughts, looking over at Amelia, seeing she was looking down at her feet, Spider walked with Ant into the change rooms, Ant and Spider had talked over the situation, Ant still mad that Spider had broken Amelia's heart, but they were best friends and Ant knew Spider would make it up to her. Amelia looked up, seeing Malakai leaving the basketball courts, Woodsy soon following after him.

"He shat his pants, he's such a pussy." Amelia heard Spider say, he was standing beside the bleachers next to Dusty, Amelia looked over at him and death stared him, she felt faint, sick to her stomach that Spider could have no empathy for others. Harper stood up from the middle of the bleachers, walking to grab the microphone, she had seen Malakai walk out, and she had heard what Spider had said.

"Hey Spider, just because you're so insecure in yourself, doesn't mean you can walk all over kind people like Amelia and Malakai, why don't you grow a pair and man the fuck up." Harper yelled out, Spider looked down, walking away from Dusty, Amelia looked around, seeing all eyes on her, she felt embarrassed. "And Dusty, I just wanted to take a minute to apologise for, what'd you call it? 'Wanting it too much?' yeah, I'm really sorry that I enjoyed myself in a consensual threesome, that you initiated." 

Everyone in the gym started laughing, looking around at Harper and Dusty, Amelia felt herself holding in her laughter, looking over at Missy and bursting out laughing.

"And, I'm sorry that he made me cum so hard, I saw another dimension. Let me ask you something, did you ghost me because that's the first real orgasm you've ever seen. How insensitive of me? you're totally right, being turned off by your girlfriend enjoying sex. I mean, what was I thinking? It's not about me, I'm just a human pizza pocket, designed specifically for you to fill with cum." Harper continued.

Woodsy had walked back in and was storming over to Harper, walking up the steps trying to take the microphone from her, Harper just walked further up the steps away from her.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя