broken hearts club.

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🎧- we cant be friends (wait for your love) – ariana grande

"We all know trust is key in a relationship, even that between a school captain and her peers, but I won't consider myself your captain, no, the very word denotes colonialism, whiteness, oppression, no, I will be your comrade, and you can trust me." Sasha explained confidently.

"Words, uh, words are very powerful, Sasha, thank you, okay so, moving along, Quinni, what are the core values of the SLT party." Woodsy asked, Sasha passed the microphone to Quinni.

"Pass." Quinni said into the microphone, then passing it to Amelia, who furrowed her eyebrows and took it from her.

"Okay, uh, Amelia, why should this school vote for you?" Woodsy asked, Amelia nodded her head, taking another deep breath and looking out into the audience.

"Well, I would like to say that I'm an easy-going person, and I care very deeply for people, but it's not about me, it's about the students. I want what's best for you, as a future school leader, I hope to organise a student based group, with members with different views on how we can make our school a better place, and with the help of my vice-captain, I will help put those views into action, because it's not just me, or Sasha, or Amerie or Spencer who will run the school, it's the students." Amelia explained, the audience cheered and clapped for her, she smiled and passed the microphone to Spider.

"That's really lovely, okay, Spencer, what makes you the best leader for this school?" Woodsy asked, looking over to Spider.

"There's a reason... that most of the world is run by men. Men are more analytical, able to make difficult decisions, without letting their emotions get in the way." Spider spoke, Amelia widened her eyes and looked at him.

"You might want to tone it down, thank you Spencer." Woodsy warned, Amelia looked down at her hands, picking at the nail polish she had on.

"That is such gendered bullshit!" Sasha called out, looking over at Spider.

"See? See, Sasha can't even control her emotions, I didn't interrupt you today, I let you speak, comrade, and I would let Amerie speak, but her absence speaks for her. See, this kind of flaky behaviour is typical of women." Spider added, Amelia closed her eyes, still looking down at her hands.

"Okay, you're standing on shaky ground." Woodsy warned again, but Spider ignored her, continuing his rant.

"Say one thing, do another, their words mean nothing! They will lie to you with their mouths, with their bodies, use you to get what they want." Spider continued, Amelia felt a little targeted, she refused to look up at the crowd, feeling her cheeks grow hot.

"Inappropriate, thank you Spencer! Enough!" Woodsy called out once again, but Spider wasn't showing any signs of stopping.

"Ask you to change, and when you do, it's just not good enough, cause the reality is, they don't want you to change. No, they just want someone that they can blame for all their problems in their life!" Spider yelled, Amelia felt tears forming in her eyes, she blinked them away quickly, not wanting anyone to know she was crying.

"Do you really want this wank stain to be your school captain?" Sasha called out, Amelia sighed and looked over to Spider, seeing he was already looking at her with an angry face.

"Okay, I'm serious now, both of you need to please-" Woodsy started, pointing to Sasha and Spider.

"Shut up! Neither of you should be school captain, this is the easy part, making promises, pretending that you care? But what are you gonna do when it gets hard? You gonna actually put in the effort? Or are you going to try and make us play by your rules? You're both only doing this for yourselves." Quinni yelled, Amelia looked up at her, furrowing her eyebrows.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now