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"Jane where are you going?" Mark queried.

"I'm going on a date," she replied

Mark rolled his eyes. "Oh, you mean the guy from the dating app?"

Jane scowled at him "Keep your mouth shut" she snapped storming out the door

Johann dropped his phone "I hate her,"

"Who?"coco asked

"This girl parading herself like the queen online Marie, Alex, or whatever her name is," he grumbled.

Coco placed a hand on her hip, regarding  "Can you remind me of your age again, please?"

Johann scowled back at her "I'm ten,"

"Then behave like your age You're just like Leonardo like father, like son."

"You got that shit right That's why I'm his fucking son," he spat

"Stop using all those curse words You're too young for that Where did you even learn that from?"

"You will fucking do what I can tell you to fucking do so get you fucking ass to work right now" Leonardo bellowed, his phone pressed against his ear as he strode past them

Johann's eyes darted back to his phone "Shit this stupid bitch-ass ho*e just blocked me!"

coco shake her head
Jane sat at the table, her eyes scanning the menu when George strode in and approached her

"Libra," he said

Jane met his gaze. "Aries,"

"You're the one I've been chatting with on the dating app, right?"

Jane blushed, her cheeks tinged with pink "Yes," she replied "I just hit the jackpot He's so cute and he's also Leonardo's friend I smell money," she thought to herself

Across the table, George smiled back his eyes taking in her beauty "Wow, she's so beautiful She's mine," he thought to himself
Isadora emerged from the bathroom, a nervous energy crackling around her She sat on the bed her eyes fixed on Leonardo's face

"Positive," she said

"What's positive?"

"Jerk, we're having a baby!"

Leonardo blinked "So, positive means you're pregnant, right?"


"But will we have Johann and...?" he began.

Isadora cut him off. "Leo, Johann is ten. He needs a baby sister,"

"But I don't want a baby daughter," Leonardo protested

Isadora rolled her eyes. "Oh, you're just jealous,"

At that moment, Johann burst into the room, his face lit up with excitement. "Mum, Dad, let's play outside"
Lsadora nodded, following her son out of the room

Leonardo sighed speaking to the empty air "I'm not jealous. I'm just scared to go through the same trauma again."

Isadora turned back "Come on, let's go," she said extending a hand to drag Leonardo out

The three of them danced and laughed in the rain Suddenly Leonardo grabbed Isadora by the waist"I can't still believe it," he murmured.

"Believe what?"

"That you're mine,"

Isadora rolled her eyes. "Not this again," she groaned playfully.

Leonardo smiled softly lacing his fingers through hers"I don't deserve you"

"Nothing could ever change how I feel about you," Isadora whispered her lips brushing against Leonardo's

But just as their lips were about to meet, Isadora pulled back her eyes darting to the side "Johann is here,"

"Can I also join the hug?" Johann asked

"Yes of course"he said  and carried Johann into the middle Both of them kissed Johann on the cheek

Johann said, "I love you both mama and papa🥰😘"

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