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Pablo explained the math problem in meticulous detail, but Amy's eyes were fixed on his face lost in a daze of infatuation

"Do you understand?" Pablo asked

"What was that? Oh I was, uh, looking at the problem" Amy stammered, glancing down at the textbook

Pablo cocked an eyebrow "No, you weren't You were miles away What's on your mind?"

"How can I listen to you when you're so breathtakingly handsome?"

Pablo's lips quirked into a grin but he quickly composed himself"Amy you have a test coming up You need to know this I don't want to be a distraction."

Amy's finger pressed lightly against his lips silencing him "Shh," she whispered her eyes never leaving his "Your handsome face isn't distracting me You're just distractingly handsome"

"Thank you, Amy But I have to tell you something I'm already in a relationship"

Amy's breath caught in her throat. "Huh?"
Coco erupted in a fit of laughter "Oh, Amy He actually told you that? He said he had a girlfriend? You embarrassed yourself"

Amy cringed sinking lower into the couch."Yeah thanks for rubbing it in Coco."

Coco grinned "I couldn't help it. It's just so...classic Amy! The whole 'distractingly handsome' line, though? I'll be chuckling about that one for weeks"


Coco waggled her eyebrows playfully"You'll find your own Mr. Right Amy Mark my words"

"I sure hope so," Amy replied

"my mom wants me to move in with Leonardo and Isadora."

Amy's spoon clattered to the table "Wait, what? Move in with them? But why?"

"I was just as surprised as you But it looks like I don't have much of a choice"

"Are you sure you'll be okay there?" Coco asked

Coco nodded. "It's not just moving in I have a mission there"

Amy's eyes widened. "A mission?"

Jane's jaw clenched as she watched the press video "She actually called her own mother a maid?"

The recording continued to play and Jane's eyes widened as she spotted the subtle hiccups "She's being forced to do this No wonder she won't pick up the phone Leonardo, you bastard!" she spat, hurling her phone across the room.
Frustrated and exasperated, Leonardo stomped out of the recording studio, grasping a glass of water "Why am I not getting this right?" he muttered through clenched teeth

"How am I supposed to answer that?"

Leonardo let out a huff his brows furrowing

"That reminds me why are you treating her like that?"


"your wife"

"Isadora is nothing to me She's not my wife Frida is Isadora's nobody"

"Look I'm your best friend your manager I should be able to offer advice It's not her fault she ended up marrying you In fact she saved you"

"Family matters are none of your business, George You're my friend, my manager Nothing more"

"It's my business when you hit her force her to say things at a press meeting You're being downright cruel to Isadora Leonardo She's a human being a woman You don't have the right to treat her like dirt."

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