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mark introduces himself to the class with a charming smile "hi everyone my name's mark"

emily swoons "omg his smile is taking my breath away he's so cute" keller rolls his eyes at emily's comment

the teacher says "you can go take your seat, mark." mark nods and makes his way to his seat

amy notices mark heading towards coco and nudges her "he's coming this way gosh he's sitting next to you!"

mark smirks and greets coco "hey man beater"

"big nose"

mark grins"if my nose is so big, the girls wouldn't be drooling over me i think you love my nose, that's why you keep saying that" coco looks at him speechlessly and mark winks at her with a smile
lsadora opens the door to a knock only to find jane standing there. "jane, what are you doing here?"

jane smirks, "aren't you going to invite me in?"

"you only have a few minutes."

"relax, leonardo won't know i'm here."

"you don't know leonardo he don't like visitors "

jane berates lsadora"when did you become such a pushover? you're too dull for my liking and it's annoying look at your face leonardo turned you into his punching bag!"

"he didn't beat me! i tripped and fell" she hiccups as she speaks.

jane scoffs"why are you defending him? oh, don't tell me you're in love with him?"

lsadora shakes her head "i don't love him!" she says hiccuping again jane look at her and shake her head
frida is modeling for a car photo shoot when the photographer calls out "to the other side"

frida strikes a pose on the opposite side as the photographer snaps pictures "oh yeah, that's right! to the left!" he instructs and frida adjusts her pose accordingly

rosalie enters the studio"frida, you need to see this"

frida takes a break grabbing a bottle of water as she approaches rosalie"just a minute" she says before asking, "what is it?"

"at last girl congratulations you've landed the big one the yang tang magazine wants you to model for their annual edition"

"are you serious?!"

"i'm telling you girl you've hit the jackpot congratulations"

"my dream is finally coming true!"
lsadora finishes her call with her mom and looks at herself in the mirror "how could i fall for a devil like leonardo?" she says to herself wiping away a tear she picks up a pen and starts writing a song

suddenly, coco, amy, keller, and emily enter her room coco greets lsadora with a smile, "hey there, sister-in-law."

lsadora stands up"what's going on?"

coco gestures to her friends "meet my friend, amy, the makeup artist &the fashion designer, Emily the blogger and keller the photographer"

lsadora is still confused "so what's going on? are you going for a photo shoot?"

coco lets out an amused huff"you're so naive sister-in-law not me you" she says, smiling
"so, you mean, after that kiss, you still don't have any feelings for lsadora?"

"george, i don't like lsadora the only person i love is frida she's the beat of my heart."

"she's been gone for two years now Leonardo just forget about her"

"never i won't forget about frida"

george's phone buzzes and he checks the notification, his eyes widening "oh my gosh,"

"what's that?"

george holds up his phone showing leonardo the notification "you didn't tell me lsadora was this beautiful she just opened an instagram account with lots of beautiful pictures"

"she opened an account? oh, i'm sure you used my name to get followers..."

"bro, chill out. she didn't use your last name she's using 'lsadora rowling.' she just opened the account and already has 1 million followers you want to see her pictures?"

"i'm not interested i'd rather look at my beloved frida's pictures" he looks at a picture of frida on his phone.

karen enters the room, beginning to speak, "sir, i..."

leonardo interrupts karen raising his voice "about lsadora's account i know already and i don't want to see any of her pictures!"

karen explains, "it's not about lsadora, sir your new song has hit 10 million views already and you have a meeting with the directors right now" she then exits the room

"you should really check out her pictures if you see her ass, oh my goodness...!"

leonardo shouts angrily "shut the fuck up!" as he throws a pen at george george gets up walks to the door and before exiting turns to leonardo

"lsadora rowling that's her username" george says then closes the door

leonardo stares at his phone he types "lsadora rowling" into the search bar but hesitates unable to bring himself to press the search button with a sigh he puts his phone away and walk out of his office

leonardo walks into the meeting room hearing people praising lsadora's pictures he sits down, trying to focus on the meeting but his mind keeps wandering back to lsadora.

he pulls out his phone and types in "lsadora rowling" with a deep breath, he presses the search button and her pictures appear on the screen

he gasps at the sight of her "she's cute"

the presenter asks leonardo "sir, are you talking to me?"

leonardo flustered quickly responds "ahh yes i mean, the project looks really good! let's move on to the next slide."

he wipes the sweat off his brow as he clicks on the comments section of lsadora's pictures

as he scrolls through the comments he sees

"gosh, she's so hot she's beautiful! her ass is fire 🔥!"

leonardo gets heated angrily yelling "what idiot wrote this stupid comment?"

the other people in the meeting room turn to look at him surprised by his outburst

"are you okay, leonardo?"George asked

leonardo quickly regains his composure replying "i'm fine. please, proceed with the meeting"

he smiles trying to play it off but as soon as the meeting resumes he goes back to reading the comments on lsadora's pictures

leonardo's eyes widen as he reads a particularly lewd comment

"gosh i'm so wet just looking at these pictures. can i get a taste?" and a reply that reads "😚😚 really? can you handle me?"

enraged leonardo jumps to his feet, shouting "this is unacceptable she's married for god's sake why would she write that?"

george shocked, says, "leonardo, we're in the middle of a meeting are you okay?"

leonardo snaps "i'm not okay this meeting is over i need to leave now"

"where are you going? what's wrong?"

"home! lsadora is doing bad things at home! i need to be there right now!" and storms out of the meeting room......

😆 "Leo na lsadora matter go kill you! 😹"

💕 mark & coco OR mark & amy 😘

👀 someone should say, "Leo, calm down! she's not your wife!"

🤔 is leo jealous, or what?! 😩

💤 goodnight fam!

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