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"Attention everyone Grace here reporting 🎤 There's a new rumor swirling about Leonardo Da Vinci and his wife Isadora Rowling It's pretty wild People are saying that Frida, the new up-and-coming model is Leonardo's real wife, and that Isadora is just standing in They also claim that Leonardo's been bullying and hitting on Isadora all along. It's pretty crazy stuff, huh?  Okay folks, here's the latest Frida is back and she wants her place as Leonardo's wife. But Isadora isn't having it. She's way too nice and kindhearted to fight back. This has the internet going crazy! Frida's fans are super hyped and celebrating her return, but Isadora's supporters are standing up for her, too. It's wild out here, but as always, you're hearing it from your favorite reporter, Grace"

Leo dropped his phone and snatched his car keys "How bad is this?" he muttered pulling on his jacket.

"Your house and office are swarming with paparazzi I really don't think you should go out, sir"Karen said

"What about Isadora?"

"This isn't the time to worry about her"

"Screw my career My family comes first"Leo growled storming out of his office

"Who's the blogger?" George asked

"Her name's Emily, she's a college student"Karen said

George shook his head "Damn a college student? They're tough to fool"
"You bitch, Frida" Amy shouted, hurling her phone at her "Is this what you've been after all along?"

"News travels fast I'm just taking back what's mine."

"Wake up, Frida Leonardo isn't yours anymore You dumped him and this is how you show you love him? you are crazy"

"Yes I'm crazy in love with Leonardo,"

"If you love him why did you dump him in the first place?" Amy demanded.

"I wanted to make a name for myself,"

"And you did! So why do you insist on ruining his life and Isadora's too? What the hell is wrong with you?"


"Don't you dare say my name with that vile mouth of yours You know I've always supported you as a sister, but this time I'm against you I'll expose you if I have to" And with that Amy stormed out of Frida's room fuming

Pulling out her phone she typed a text to Alex "Let's meet," she texted

"I thought we were friends, Emily How could you do this?"coco said

"I'm a blogger that's what I do"

"You don't even have proof to back up your claims"

"Of course I do" Emily snapped. "I have the video My followers increased..."

"You're only thinking about your followers Don't you have a heart? You're destroying people's reputations"

"That's what bloggers do We don't give a shit"

"I'll make you care I once promised to help you with your page, but now I'm against you And listen, I know Frida gave you that information. You're so dumb to not get the full story All you want is followers but what will they do when another blogger spills the truth? Your page will be in deep shit"

"What...are you talking about?" she stammered

"Frida only gave you half the story, not the whole truth And I'm not gonna help you this time around When Frida goes down, you're going down with her Quack" Coco spat as she stormed out

Emily's fingers dug into her teeth "What do I do? I can't afford to lose all these followers."
"Dora, Dora," Leonardo said  as he rushed in his eyes scanning her for any signs of injury

"Leo How did you know I was here?"

"Coco told me Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine,"

"So you're here" Helen said  entering from the kitchen

Leonardo's gaze flicked from Isadora to Helen "Thanks for letting her stay with you, Mom"

Helen brushed him off "It's nothing She's your wife so she's my responsibility too." Then she retreated into the kitchen, saying "I'll set the table"

Leonardo turned back to Isadora "Are you sure you're okay?"

Isadora placed a hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat. "I'm fine How about you..."

"Shhh I told you I don't care about anything else but you right now As long as you're okay I'm okay"

"The comments sections are so heart-breaking" Isadora whispered, holding back her tears

Leonardo sighed gently taking her phone"Why are you even reading the comments? You should just turn your phone off"

"Thank you for being here," Isadora whispered resting her head against his chest

"Anything for you Dora" Leonardo murmured, softly patting her head "You know I love you"

"I love you too Leo" Isadora said gazing up into his eyes.

"Gosh I think we should get a room This is getting steamy" he tease, Isadora smile

Coco was busy setting up her ring light

"Are you sure you can do this?"Amy asked

Coco inhaled deeply resolve hardening her features "Anything for Isadora. She just started to enjoy Leo's love I won't let anything ruin that"

Amy nodded "Alright"

The red "Live" button blinked as Coco clicked it turning to the camera "Hey there everyone! It's your girl Coco da Vinci Today I want to talk about these rumors going around about my brother They're all lies."

The comments section exploded
  "Lies, you say?"
"Your brother left Frida for that no-name bimbo"
"I knew something was fishy at their wedding"
"I feel for Frida"
"Even if Leo didn't like Isadora he didn't have the right to hit her He should divorce Isadora and get back with Frida"

Amy read the comments over Coco's shoulder  "These comments are unbelievable People are insane"

Coco stared into the camera  "People you can't believe everything these blogs are saying Parrot Talks is a trashy gossip rag Yes, my brother didn't marry Frida but that's because she left him at the altar Who's really to blame here? And Frida had the nerve to cheat on my brother"

The comments poured in like a deluge, the internet ablaze with fury.

"Just shut up!"
"You're annoying!"
"Are you really defending that nobody?"
"Frida would never do that!"
"It was your brother who cheated first!"
"Couldn't he have waited for Frida?"
"Prove that she cheated!"

Coco's gaze fixed on the comments a weary sigh escaping her lips "Gosh, these people are crazy"

"Hey, maybe we should just show them the evidence they're demanding"

"That's right, the evidence come in"coco said and  he enter........

Nepa! Whyyy😩☹️😡😈

🤭 Who could it be?😉

And can we just talk about Leo and Dora? These two, still all mushy with their "I love you" despite all this drama😂

if you hate Frida, scream "go down!" 🤣

Bye for now, see y'all next chapter💪

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