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"why did you have to reply to this comment" lsadora asked

"girl, why are you stressing about that comment? leonardo ain't gonna do nothing"

"but leo might get mad and..."

coco interrupts, "oh my god, did you just call him leo? awnnn so cute" the girls giggling when suddenly a voice from downstairs shouts "lsadora"

"he's back." she rushes to change her clothes

"what's wrong with the dress you're wearing?"

"i'm changing into something more comfortable,"

"you look stunning," coco says, pushing lsadora towards the door "go meet him, girl!"

lsadora reluctantly heads downstairs. "why did you call me?" she asks

leonardo turns to face lsadora, unable to keep his eyes off of her crop top and bum shorts the crop top hugs her b**bs, and her bum shorts show off her smooth legs her skin is flawless, like a porcelain doll. leonardo's heart is racing and he tries to keep his cool

"what's the meaning of this? you think you can seduce me with this? no way in hell!" he yells

lsadora is shocked "i'm not trying to..."

leonardo lets out a hiss "shut up just looking at you disgusts me" he storms off into his room

coco rushes to lsadora's side "are you okay?" lsadora nods fighting back tears

in the library, coco was searching for books on "how to make a monster fall in love" and finds a promising one she eagerly flips through the pages scribbling down notes

coco is deep in thought when suddenly mark interrupts her "hey, man beater!" he teases

she ignores him and he grab the book from her mark snickers, "'how to make a monster fall in love'? are you trying to get a monster to fall for you?"

coco scowls "shut up and give me back that book"

"don't waste your time reading that i can help you out "

coco rolls her eyes "what did you know"

mark persists "i know quite a bit about this stuff"

"like what?" coco challenges him

"well, dressing to attract da..."

coco interrupts him "i've already done that and it's not working"

mark continues"if that doesn't work then there's only one more thing that can unlock the monster's heart"

amy is scrolling through mark's instagram page gushing over his pictures "he's so cute!"

pablo plops down next to her "what's got you so mesmerized?"

"he's a new student in our class, and he's soooo cute and handsome! gosh, he's just perfect, and he's totally my type!"

pablo shakes his head in disbelief "you just fall for any cute boy don't you?" he yells

amy, surprised by his outburst, drops her phone "what's your problem? this has nothing to do with you" she retorts "so what were we..."

"I can't take this anymore "


" about you flirting around with boys?"

amy scoffs, "what's your problem? why do you care if i flirt with boys? are you... jealous?"

"yes! i am,"


"because i love you"

"wait i thought you had a girlfriend?"

"i broke up with her."


" I love you but i'm afraid of your mother that is why I didn't i want to accept your feelings so don't want you to like that guy"

"i don't like him i was just admiring his picture."

pablo shakes his head "i still don't like that"

amy nods"yes sir i understand."

"so... are we officially dating now? are we together?"

amy hops onto his lap and smiles mischievously "sure we're together but my mom must not find out about this"

"but my girlfriend " without waiting for her reply he kissed her hungrily he squeezed her b**bs and she moaned biting her lip he pulled her shirt off she took his shirt off and he pushed her down onto the couch just as they were getting more passionate amy's phone starts to buzz.she ignores it, but the persistent ringing interrupts their moment he stops, pulling away to look at her

"answer it," pablo whispered amy glanced at her phone seeing coco's name flashing on the screen

"ugh i hate you coco" she answered the call

"what" amy yelled

"it was all mark's idea"

"she wanted my help unlocking a monster's heart," mark explained.

"oh, so you know the monster she's talking about?" amy asked with a smirk

"must be her boyfriend,"

"boyfriend? no, my brother"

mark was startled. "what? leonardo?"

"you know that leonardo is lsadora's husband what was the name of the drug you told coco to put in leonardo's drink?"

mark was growing frustrated"why didn't you tell me it was him?"

"you never asked"coco said

"why didn't you tell me it was leonardo? is he the only one at home? has he already used the drug?"

"to answer all your questions yes, yes, and you should know what that drug can do" amy said

leonardo was sweating profusely after drinking the wine coco gave him feels heat radiating through his body he exits his room, muttering,"gosh, i'm burning up in here."

he stumbles upon lsadora who's asleep on the couch in her nightwear, apparently having dozed off in the middle of a movie

leonardo stares at lsadora and bite his lip"what's wrong with me?" he groans, grabbing his d**k

he carries lsadora in his arms and she starts to stir "what are you doing?" she asks, still groggy

"i'm taking you to your room" leonardo says carrying her to the bedroom lsadora is still dazed he lays her down and exits the room desperately trying to regain control of his urges

his body is still burning with desire, his d**k pulsing with every beat of his heart

"i can't hold back anymore" he growls to himself storming back into lsadora's bedroom........

I will stop here😁🎬

what's going to happen inside that bedroom? 🎤🎤

shout out to our girl coco for making things happens cream "ride on coco" if you're with her" or "coco you messed up big time" if you think she went too far

shout-out to our new couple, amy and pablo! 💑

the real question is who's to blame for this situation: mark or coco?

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