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Ten years later...

"You're pregnant?!" Shelley exclaimed

"Mom, I can explain" Amy said

"Start talking!" Shelley demanded

"But Mom why do I need to explain to you? I'm 22 so I'm an adult now" Amy argued

Shelley jumped to her feet her hand raised to strike but Frida grabbed her arm pulling her back

"Mom, calm down, okay?" Frida said

"Who is the bastard responsible for this?" Shelley roared

"He's not a bastard! His name is Pablo,"

Shelley furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "Pablo... that name sounds familiar," she mused.

Frida, who was sipping water nearby, chimed in "Her home tutor," she clarified, prompting Shelley's jaw to drop open.

"Your home tutor, Amy?" Shelley spluttered

"see you later mum"Amy said and run out

"I can't believe that girl," Shelley fumed her gaze turning towards Frida "And what about you? What are you going to do about Marie?"

Frida straightened her shoulders "I'm going back to New York, and I'm taking her with me" she declared

Shelley raised an eyebrow "What about Alex?"

"It's simple. He is her father so he's coming along with us"

" as a family"

Frida's gaze flitted away from Shelley's intense stare. "I can't say for now"

Shelley reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Frida's arm "Just know that I'll be there for you anytime any day"

Frida wrapped her arms around Shelley, pulling her into a tight embrace
"I don't know what to say," Mark fretted. "She's already there waiting for me"

"Just ask her to marry you that's all," Keller said

"I won't say anything else,"

Keller let out a frustrated sigh. "Recite a poem for her, fool! Just go on your knees and ask, 'Will you marry me, Coco?' That's all!" Keller shook his head in disbelief. "When did I become your friend? You're too dumb, man!" he grumbled, walking away

Mark took a deep breath steeling himself as he approached Coco

"Hi," he said

Coco glanced up from her phone. "You kept me waiting,"

"Sorry what will you like to order for"


Mark smiled, clapping his hands to signal the waiter to bring out the food Coco opened the dish only to find a ring glinting back at her


Mark stood up he dropped to one knee "Will you be my wife? My best friend? My partner in crime? My other half? My full..."

Coco's voice cut him off "Yes I will"

Mark slipped the ring onto her finger "I love you"
"Why are you guys late?" George demanded

"Well, we stopped at the supermarket and then Leo tried to put me in a shopping cart" Isadora said

"She told me to put the snacks in!" Leonardo protested,

Coco quickly covered Johann's ears. "Can you guys stop? Your kid is here!"

"What the fuck is wrong is wrong If I hear the shit you're both saying I...." Johann

Isadora cut him off, her gaze shifting to Leonardo. "Leo, where did Johann hear all these curse words?"

Leonardo shrugged. "How the fuck would I know?"

"Yeah, how the fuck would he know?" Johann said

Isadora shook her head in disbelief. "Unbelievable..." she muttered

"Enough of the chit chat, go on stage now" George ordered herding Leonardo towards the stage

The crowd erupted into screams and shouts as Leonardo stepped onto the stage

"We all know that song I want to sing," Leonardo said, his voice amplified by the microphone

"Is it 'Too Late to Say Sorry'?" the crowd screamed

"Yes, are we all ready?" he asked his eyes scanning the sea of people

"Yes!" the crowd roared

Leonardo grinned as the music started. "Alright, here we go" he yelled, his voice synchronized with the beat "It's too late to say sorry, it's too late for me to say sorry..."

"This song is especially made for mine," he announced his eyes locked on Isadora's

The crowd let out a collective "Awww..."

"Permit me to welcome my one and only, my heart, my other part, on stage, Dora " Leonardo declared

The camera panned to Isadora her cheeks flushed with a rosy blush as she walked towards Leonardo They hugged tightly the moment captured by the camera's unblinking eye

He took Isadora's hand "I know I've hurt you in many ways. I still feel the pain. I know 'sorry' can't just wash everything away, but I promise you, I am going to be there for you and our son. I'm not letting go of this tiny hand again,"

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the crowd chanted

Leonardo leaned in and kissed Isadora

Johann snorted"I can't believe he only invited his wife on stage. What about me? I'm not their son" he muttered, taking a swig of wine

A voice behind him interjected "Under-aged people are not allowed to drink that."

Johann whirled around his eyes narrowing on the source of the voice. "Who the fuck are you to tell me that?" he snapped

Marie stood before him "You're being rude," she said, rolling her eyes

"What's your name and age?" Johann demanded

"I'm Marie and I'm ten.You're handsome you know"

Johann scoffed. "I don't do cheap, young girls like you."

"Come to think of it, I bet we're the same age," she teased

"So...I don't like you"

"Same here I take back my words You're ugly to the core," Marie hissed, turning to walk away.

"That bitch" Johann muttered under his breath He grabbed her arm, pulling her back "Do you know who my father is?" he snarled.

"Did you even know who my mother is?"

"Little girl, I don't want to know who the hell your mother is,"

Marie shrugged "Little boy, I also don't want to know who the fuck your father is."

"How dare you! My father is Leonardo da Vinci,"

"Claiming another person's father If he's your father, why didn't he call you up on stage?" she challenged

Johann's eyes narrowed, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find a response

Leonardo's voice echoed through the venue. "Let me call my son on stage too Johann!"

Johann gave Marie a smug look. "I'm Johann da Vinci the heir of Lucifer Entertainment I may be your age but I can act as stupid as you," he taunted strutting up to the stage.

Leonardo lifted Johann into his arms, hugging him and Isadora together "I love you both with all my heart" he declared

Johann basking in his father's embrace, locked eyes with Marie With a smirk he mouthed the words, "Watch out, my eyes are on you..........

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