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Leonardo burst into the room"I can't believe this has happened"

"Brother what's going on? Please calm down,"

"You've seen the trending video, haven't you?" he snapped

Coco nodded. "I have did you want me to read the comments to you"

"No I heard that blogger is from your school Can you help me convince her to take down the video?"

"Ah you mean 'Parrot Talks'? We're not close and even if she removes the video it's already been shared by countless people"

Leonardo's hands balled into fists. "What should I do now? My DMs are on fire!"

"I can help you"


"I have a three-step plan for you First step: action one."

Leonardo enter into the hospital, a bouquet of flowers and a host of gifts in hand He marched up to Isadora's bedside cameras flashing like lightning around him

Mark his expression contorted with disbelief gawked at him like a slack jawed spectator

Leonardo wearing a smile that seemed to radiate for the cameras cooed "Hey babes" as he kissed Isadora's forehead

"What's going on?"

Leonardo leaned in and whispered through clenched teeth, "You need to cooperate with me Did you see the trending video?"

Isadora, her brows furrowing, glanced at the cameras"So that's why you brought them and all these gifts isn't it?"

"You better act like everything's normal"

Isadora turned her back to him feigning sleep"I don't want to get out" she mumbled into her pillow

Leonardo's smile melted like a sugar cube in boiling water Turning to face the sea of cameras he clenched his fist

"She wants to sleep now" he forced out through gritted teeth "Let's give her some breathing space"

Mark wearing a smug grin sauntered over to Coco "Your brother's really a quack when it comes to acting,"

"Shut your mouth"

"You know I have to admit, the person who advised him to put on that show is really a quack"

"Hey big nose Mind your own business" before stomping off

"Big nose? My nose isn't even that big" he muttered glancing at the mirror

Coco, her eyes fixed on the computer screen watched the viral footage unfold

"He really messed that up" she muttered

Leonardo sat down next to Coco "the next step"

"You better do the next one right No screw-ups"

"I promise" Leonardo assured her nodding his head.

"Alright the next action is..."

"Welcome back lsadora" The greeting echoed through the air as lsadora stepped into the foyer her eyes widening at the sight of the elaborately decorated house

Bunting balloons, and banners emblazoned with "Welcome Back" festooned the walls

Leonardo wearing a smile as approached Lsadora with a delicate flower in hand "Welcome back darling"

lsadora turned her gaze to the cameras their lenses following her every move With a hiss of displeasure she brushed past Leonardo and embraced Coco and the others in turn "Thank you all for this I really appreciate it"

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