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leonardo creeps in and crawls onto her bed he gently caresses her face waking her up "what are you doing?" she asks sleepily

leonardo stays silent his gaze fixed on her lips without warning he kiss her ferociously lsadora gasps and push him away

"get out of my room what is wrong with you?" she yells

leonardo pulls her closer and continues kissing her lsadora tries to push him away but he's too strong he pins her hands to the bed his gaze never leaving hers lsadora stops struggling

"stop acting like you haven't done this before" leonardo shouted.

"let me go you animal" lsadora yelled struggling to free herself but leonardo wouldn't let her go he kissed her again and when she refused he pinched her right b**b making her moan lsadora gave in and kissed him back

He undressed her with a slow, predatory precision, his lips never leaving hers Lsadora struggled to free herself but he held her firmly against him his grip iron strong As the kiss grew rougher, she found herself returning his passion melting into his arms.

His fingers traced a path from her lap to her b**bs where they lingered, teasing her sensitive skin lsadora's breath quickened, a moan escaping her parted lips "Leo please" she gasped

"I love it when you beg" he growled, his teeth grazing the tender flesh of her b**bs before he dipped his head lower to capture her nipple in his mouth his tongue swirling, teasing

In one swift motion he slid his fingers beneath the waistband of her panties pushing them aside He slid a digit inside her groaning at the tightness "Fuck you're tight" he muttered his finger forcing deeper inside

"Leonardo" she screamed, her back arching as pleasure rippled through her body

"Say my name again" he murmured as he thrust into her their bodies slick with sweat his bare flesh against hers

"Leonardo" she cried out her voice a ragged moan as he pounded into her her head tossed back in ecstasy

"Again," he commanded his pace relentless each thrust a reminder of his power over her

"Leonardo!" she screamed
"why didn't you tell me what the drug was for?"coco asked

mark shrugs"you never asked"

amy looks at mark"what do we do now?"

"the drug's effects will wear off in four hours"

amy's face turns pale "four hours?"

"i'm going home right now" coco said grabbing her keys

lsadora wrapped in her duvet sobs as leonardo stands and walks out of the room his head hung low

he saw coco and she Rush to him breathing"brother what is going "

leonardo ignores coco and heads to his room coco enters lsadora's room to see her crying and notices the bloodstain on the bed
furious, frida barks over the phone "i've been trying to call you, leonardo what the hell's going on over there?"

"when are you coming back?"

"that doesn't answer my question, leonardo why have you been ignoring my calls and messages? what's happening over there?"

leonardo snaps" i'm hanging up"and he hang up

frida's eyes widen in shock "he actually hung up on me!" she screams she call Amy

amy's voice rings from the other end "hey sister, congratulations on-"

" what's going on with leonardo?"

"if you want to know then come back here good day frida" she hangs up

frida tosses her phone to the side and growls "ugh!"

alex tries to comfort her planting kisses on her neck "babe, don't let them get to you"

frida pushes him away "my life's falling apart, and all you can think about is sex?"

alex takes a step back. "i'm here for you babe"

frida glares at alex"who are you again? remind me and how many followers do you have, huh? get out"

"i was just trying to make-"

frida shuts him down "i said, get out!"
leonardo can't get over what happened earlier he joins coco and lsadora, who are already eating

"dora you should let your mom come live with us that way you can go out more, do what you want..."

"dora" lsadora glares at leonardo "is that what this is about? you're feeling guilty because of what you did?"

leonardo shakes his head "no, i don't feel guilty it was just a mistake it's not my fault and it also a normal stuff"

lsadora's eyes fill with tears "normal thing? you forced yourself on me you raped me, leonardo and you're saying it's just a mistake?"

leonardo clenches his fists "don't you dare raise your voice at me."

"who are you? i regret everything being your fan marrying you i regret the day i started liking you i curse the day we met you're a monster hitting me wasn't enough you had to rape me too? you're heartless mark my words leonardo i'll never forgive you for this."lsadora said

lsadora stands up her eyes still brimming with tears she turns away and heads for the door pausing just before she leaves

with her gaze fixed on leonard "i hate you i hate you with every fiber of my being" and with that she slams the door shut

leonardo's heart sinks as he hears lsadora's words of hatred tears begin to well up in his eyes

"brother why are you crying?" coco asked

leonardo quickly wipes his tears and forces a smile "crying? no, no, i'm not crying" he turns to coco "i am a monster aren't i?"

"yes you are"

lsadora's words echo in leonardo's mind "i hate you" a single tear rolls down his cheek "why am i crying?" he mutters to himself holding his chest his heart aches with each beat. "why does this hurt so much?"

coco observes her brother silently "finally the monster's heart is unlocked" she whispers to herself........

Shout Frida rest 🥱

If you love Isadora heart her up ❤️

Leonardo actually cried 😈

"I'm a monster"

"Yep, you are" 😹 Coco you're the best❤️

Coco've successfully unlocked the monster's heart but the real question is will he change? 🤔


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