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Without pausing Leonardo brushed past Frida and scooped up lsadora surprising them both He carried her to her room closing the door behind them, and gently placed her on the bed before sitting next to her

"You know what I hate most? I hate weak girls. I hate girls that can't stand up for themselves"

lsadora remained silent meeting his gaze with a blank expression Leonardo sighed and rose from the bed leaving her alone in the room

"What did you do?!" Jane roared

Mark hung his head"It was a silly mistake."

"A silly mistake? Where did you even get that kind of drug?"

"I... I just hap..." Mark stammered but Jane cut him off

"You failed school but you manage to keep a hold of something like that?!"

"Don't bring my grades into this I said I'm sorry It was Coco's fault."

"Oh please," Jane scoffed "You're a genius when it comes to drugs but you can't pass a test? Give me a break"

"Whose fault is it, then?" Mark shouted

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me young man"

"You know what? I'm not gonna let you blame me for this Have you forgotten when you left me? When mum died if not for Isa I would have been alone And you think I'd hurt her? Yeah I kept that drug 'cause I love it, and I wanted to But what about my studies? Have you ever even asked me about it? All you care about is yourself"

Jane slapped him "I'm doing all of this for you To give you a better life."

"I don't want it I don't need your money I need your attention, your love You're not like Isa not even close"

"Fine Go and live with her then You don't need you "

"I'll go!" Mark yelled storming out the door slamming it shut behind him

"Mark, Mark, Mark come back hereeee"
"I'll pretend I didn't see that"

Leonardo rolled his eyes "You know you saw it Frida so don't pretend"

"Aren't you happy I'm back?"

Leonardo glanced up from his phone offering a wry smile before returning to his screen

"It's time to divorce that nameless..." Frida started but was cut off by Leonardo's sharp voice

"She has a name! Stop calling her that!"

"Why are you defending her? What's the matter with you, Leonardo?"

Leonardo shook his head. "What are you doing here, Frida? You said you'd be back in five years Why are you here now?"

"I missed you too much It's time for you to divorce her and let me take my place"

Leonardo's laughter echoed through the room "You're hilarious! Maybe you should become a comedian instead of a model"

"Why do you care so much about her?"

A heavy sigh escaped Leonardo's lips as he pondered the question "Why do I care so much about her?" he wondered, turning to face Frida "You left me at the altar and she saved me from humiliation How can I just let her go?"

"We had a plan, Leonardo! You were supposed to..."

"You remember the question you asked me? will I wait for you " Leonardo said rising from the couch"Remember what I said? Well you got your wish You made a name for yourself"

"So you're choosing that nameless bitch over me?"

"yes and yes"

"Are you in love with her?"

"What business is it of yours if I love her or not?"

"You did what?" Lsadora yelled through the phone

"said that he is coming to your place" Jane replied

"Are you kidding me Jane? he didn't this place "

"oh my goodness"

lsadora groaned hanging up the phone She grabbed her jacket muttering to herself and rushed out of her room

"Where are you going?"

Lsadora spun around, her eyes wide. "I... uh..."

"Speak up I won't hit you"

"I'm going to look for my brother"

"Your brother? At this hour?"

"Yes," lsadora said her hand on the door handle

Leonardo's fingers wrapped around her wrist halting her movement "I'll go with you"
Coco examined her results "Another 10" she muttered her fingers drumming against the paper Without hesitation, she snatched a marker and boldly changed the number to a perfect 100 "This way, no one will suspect a thing," she murmured
Leonardo's eyes flicked to lsadora in the passenger seat. "But you didn't tell me that you have a brother "

Lsadora shifted uncomfortably "He's not my brother He's my friend's brother I've been taking care of him since he was young."

Leonardo's grip tightened on the steering wheel his eyes focused on the road "I want to know more about you"


He shook his head"What's wrong with me?" he mumbled to himself

The car continued down the road the hum of the engine providing a steady rhythm lsadora gazed out the window lost in thought when suddenly a figure on the street caught her eye

"Hey! Stop the car! That's Mark!" she exclaimed her hands fumbling with the seat belt in her haste

"Hey, easy" Leonardo said gently brushing against lsadora as he moved closer to help with the stubborn seatbelt

Their eyes locked their breath mingling in the small space between them They were looking into each other's eyes. Then he helped her with her seatbelt

Lsadora got out of the car fast and ran to meet Mark

"Isa!" Mark said, giving her a hug

"Why did you leave the house?"

"Jane is so annoying,"

"That's OK Let's go It's cold outside" Lsadora said and they got back in the car

Isadora sat at the back with Mark He rested his head on her shoulder and she patted his back Leonardo looked at them through the mirror

"When did I start caring about her?" Leonardo pondered silently his gaze shifting to Isadora's reflection in the mirror "I can't believe I followed her to find her brother. This isn't right What's wrong with me?" he wondered

"Hell no I can't be in love with her?!?" he whispered to himself.........

AAAAAAAHHHHH! OMG! If you loved this chapter, then SAY "HIIIII!" 💖

Coco's a total cheater! 🤫

Awwwww, poor Frida. Better luck next time! 💔

Leonardo, I'm keeping an eye on you. 👀

If you want Leonardo and Lsadora to be a thing, reply with "Nardora"! 💕

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